You Look Nice, Shitty Hair

585 19 25

Kirishima's POV


"Wh-- oof!" I turn, only to be tackled to the ground by a hug from a pink haired girl.

"Kirishima!" Mina yelled again with a grin. "Guess what I did!"

"Knocked the fucking air out of me and broke a rib?" I offered, making Mina roll her eyes.

"No, silly!" she got off of me, standing up and dusting off her bright pink poodle skirt. "I got the gang some tickets for that movie coming out tonight!"

"Which one is that?" I asked, arching a brow as I stood up.

"Gosh, you're an actual mess," Mina socked me in the arm pretty hard.

Which is slightly shocking, due to the fact I had my leather on.

"What the hell?!"

"The Maze ringing any bells?" Mina asked, giving me a grin.

"Oh, seriously? You wanna sit through a horror movie?" I asked, placing a hand on my hip.

"Yes. I wanna hear Denki scream though. And Bakugou,"

That made me laugh.

"Bakugou? A tuff dude like him? Afraid of a horror movie? Please! He doesn't even flinch when a gun goes off!"

"Let me imagine it!" she pouted.

"Alright, sure," I rolled my eyes. "When we goin'?"

"Let's say... 22:15! Here, lemme find your ticket!"

Digging into her jacket pocket, I dug into my own, pulling out a box of cigs.

"Want one?" I offered.

"Not right now," she mumbled, pulling out the five tickets.

Looking through them oddly carefully, she handed me one of the tickets with a smirk.

"What's wrong with Pinky's face?" a husky voice said, directly in my right ear.

Swallowing a squeak, I turned around to see Katsuki Bakugou, a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"And what's wrong with your pink face?" he asked, lightly elbowing me. "Do I got a cute chick behind me or something?"

No. The cute one is right in front of me.

"I got us tickets to that new horror movie comin' out tonight!" Mina said as Bakugou took a drag from his cigarette.

His eyes widened and he seemingly choked on the smoke for a second.

"What?" he asked between coughs. "You're kidding!"

"Nah, man!" Mina grinned. "Here!"

Bakugou took the ticket, examining it, and pocketed it. "It's gonna be fucking stupid,"

"Well, it's got good reviews," I said, giving him a grin.

Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Anyone got the time?" I asked.

"15:02. Why? Got a date?" Bakugou asked, grinning at me.

"Ah, shit! Nope! Got a job!" I said, my face beginning to burn. "Seeya later!" I said, beginning to run down the street.

Shit. I hope Mr. Ukai doesn't bite my head off.


"On it, sorry sir!" I said, placing my jacket in one of the bins in front of the changing rooms.

This uniform is... less than ideal, honestly. But Mr. Ukai says that "less clothes means more money".

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