Behind the Scenes

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A/N: I'm sorry if this is late, I'm starting this at 21:30 while playing Monopoly, so this'll be shitty.

Bakugou's POV

"CUT! THE FUCK IS THAT?!" I yelled at the dumb fuckers on set.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" the blond asshole yelled back at me.


"Katsuki, calm down," my husband walked up to me, pulling my hat off and smacking me with it.

"Oi, what the hell!?" I rubbed my head.

"Monoma, Katsuki will give you proper advice without yelling or cursing. Right?" Eijirou glared at me.

"Monona , you're too flat. Give me more personality. Your character isn't cardboard," I mumbled, crossing my arms. "So give him personality, or get the fuck off mt set.

(A/N: Just got my ass obliterated in Monopoly. Li'l salty, so I will take all this annoyance and turn it into pure rage and anger so I can write Bakugou as best as I can.)

"Well aren't you quite the director?" I heard Monoma mutter.

"Oi! I get job done, you fucking asstwat! Now, shut it!"

Eijirou sighed, grabbing the clapboard and handing it to Tokoyami.

"Romeo, Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The Return of the Kings, scene five, take eight," Tokoyami mumbled. "And, action!"


Finally, some fucking emotion!

"Katsu," Eijirou's voice cooed in my ear.

I jumped, turning to the redhead.

"Why aren't you manning the cameras, idiot?!"

"I got Bondo to cover for me! Here, I wanna show you something! Get Kuroiro in the director's chair!"

Eijirou's adorable smile was the only thing that managed to get me to budge sometimes.

"Ugh, fine. One moment," I sighed, looking around for the white haired man.

He was standing by the food table, eating a donut.

Walking over, I tapped him on the shoulder.

"You're in the chair, I'll be back," I sighed.

The white haired male flashed me a thumbs up before heading over to the chair.

"Okay, what? I don't wanna be away for too long, since Monoma seems to be doing a shitty job--"

"Shut up before I make you," he growled, nipping at my neck.

I shut up, flushing red. If I wasn't biting my lip, things might not end too innocently.

"Fucking, fine. Whatever. What did you wanna show me?"

"It's off the set, but not very far," Eijirou beamed, his personality doing a full 180°.

"Better not be," I grumbled, unbuttoning my stupid vest.

Every morning, before we left the house, Eijirou made sure I dressed nicely because I wouldn't let him leave the house with his Lightning McQueen crocs on.

After what he did while wearing those things when we were in college, I never wanna see those things outside the house ever again.

Or the bedroom, really.

He also would attempt to wear his fucking Shrek crocs.

No ma'am.

Not gonna let that happen.

We'd have to throw hands.

Which we do every weekend.

Good way to stay fit is to punch the ever loving shit out of your husband.

Or wife.

Or spouse.

Or whatever else you call the human you married.

Eijirou has called me his lord of hell and eternal darkness, who he loves very much at some point.

Eijirou took my hand, dragging me along toward our trailer.

"Why are we going in here?"

Eijirou just snickered.


He laughed a little more.


No proper response, making me break into a sweat.





"Teddy bear?"



No dice.

"Baby shark?"


"My ray of sunshine that I treasure more than life itself?"


Oh fuck, what did I do wrong? Is he gonna punish me for yelling at Monoma?

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked.


That got his attention.

"No no no," Eijirou cupped my face. "No, I just have a surprise for you. It's a good one. And it's not kinky, so calm down and get your mind out of the gutter,"

That caused me to laugh a little bit, which made Eijirou smile.

"Close your eyes, honey,"

Listening to someone for once, I closed them and felt his hands over them, just for good measure.

I heard him unlock and open the door to our trailer and he brought me in.

"Keep them closed," Eijirou mumbled, weaving me through some stuff before sitting me down on my chair.

"And face this way," Eijirou said in a singsong voice as his hands rested on my shoulders.

"Now, open,"

Opening my eyes, I gasped.

The lights were off, but fairly lights were strung up.

Carnations and roses were scattered around, and there was a small table with a candle lit dinner prepared.

"I told everyone that I wanted to do something for you, so they all helped me out. Ochaco got the flowers, Yaomomo made the fairy lights, Satou cooked the meal, and Tsuyu helped me hang them up," Eijirou rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "You've been super stressed and overworked lately, so I figured this would be a nice  way to get you a nice break. Y'know? And if you don't like this idea, we can package this up and bring it back home tonight, so we can watch a movie and eat dinner in our pajamas,"

I grinned at the dumb redhead in front of me.

"Actually, if you want, I brought you some sweatpants and a baggy shirt for you, in case you do wanna change. I knlw how much you hate those clothes," Eijirou chuckled.

"Thank you," I placed a kiss on his cheek. "Where is the other change of clothes?"

"Of course," my husband scoffed.

"Hey! You offered, so I will gladly take the offer!"

"In your room, dork. Go get changed,"

A/N: That's all! I'm so sorry about how late this is. I've had a stressful day, because of doctors appointments going from face to face to digital, and meeting a new rheumatologist today and just..m jesus fucking christ. But, whatever! Here is today's oneshot! See ya tomorrow! I'm gonna go stab myself with a needle now! Peace! Stay safe and healthy! - Septic / Spark

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