Another Life

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A/N: I know that the prompt was arranged marriage, and it's there, don't worry. It just doesn't play the biggest role, y'know? I just want y'all to know it's there. Once again, I'm sorry for not publishing this yesyerday, time just totally escaped me and I didn't finish in time, and that's my own fault. But now, this is done! So here is yesterday's prompt!

Bakugou's POV

"I am not going to marry her!" I snarled at my old hag, gaining a scoff.

"We need to become allies with the Parcet kingdom, Katsuki. And Ochaco is a nice girl. She might be able to tame you," my mother said.

"Fuck this!" I stood up, walking away.

"Do not walk away from me!"

"I do what I fucking please, damn you!" I flipped her off and left the main hall.

"Stupid fucking girl," I mumbled, looking around before I continued. "I don't even like girls! Why can't I just marry Eijirou?"

Eijirou Kirishima was a dragon hybrid who my mother captured when he was young. He's also seventeen, and I've been dating him since we were thirteen.

He's kept in the dungeon, and will only show his hybrid form to me. No one else knows that he is also a human. My mother just thinks she captured a miniscule dragon.

So when I went into the dungeon, I quickly went over to the only isolated cell, picked up one of the chickens running around and snapped it's neck.

I opened the door to his cell, closing it, and hearing the snaps and pops of his form as he became human-ish again.

"Is that for me?" the dragon boy asked.

"Yes, it is," I said as I began plucking the feathers off of the newly dead bird.

"You know I don't mind the feathers, right?" Eijirou said with a small smile.

"I know, but since your dragon form is so small, they can serve as a little nest to lay on,"

Once the chicken was fully plucked, I gave it to him, and he immediately sank his sharp teeth into it.

Blood squirted between his teeth as he tore maybe a fourth of the chicken off in one bite.

"Lots of bones," he murmured, spitting a few out.

"What did you expect?" I asked.

"Dunno!" he said happily. "Want some?"

"I can't eat food raw, my wings," I stated.

"Right you are," Eijirou giggled before proceeding to spit out more bones. "So, what's new up in the castle?"

A pit settled in my stomach, making me feel sick.

I should probably tell him about the dumb fucking wedding.

"Uhm... I'm going to tell you something that you aren't going to like... because trust me, I don't want this, and I wish this didn't have to happen,"

Eijirou stopped eating, and looked up at me, wiping the blood from his face.

"My damn old hag arranged a wedding for me and some chick I don't give a fuck about,"

Eijirou's face fell, before he plastered a shaky smile back on there.

"Oh... uhm..."

"Believe me, I want this as much as you do. I don't love her. I love you. I want to marry you. Not just some girl who will mend the rivalry between our kingdoms," I said, hugging the hybrid.

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