I Promise

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A/N: I honestly have no clue where this might go? For what I have in my head, this might not be entirely fluff, but it'll still have a happy ending??? Y'know? Anyway, that's all for now! Let's go!

Kirishima's POV

A light knock woke me up from my power nap after school.


Instead of it being Katsuki, like I was expecting, it was Midoriya.

"Be there in just a moment," I yawned, stretching.

"Oh, did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but it's cool. I almost overslept anyway," I said before opening the door. "What's good, Mido?"

"A package arrived with your name on it at the doorstep," Midoriya said, handing me a box.

"Rad! Thanks, man!" I grinned at the leaf haired boy before he left.

Sharpening my finger, I sliced the box open, a soft smile settling on my face.

Katsuki and I have been in a relationship for two and a half years, at least that's how long it'll be on Friday.

And I know you may argue that half anniversaries aren't important.

But I say fuck you, I will pamper my boyfriend as I please.

I enjoy making and doing stuff for him.

So when I saw two small boxes inside the box, I knew exactly what they were.

I got us promise rings.

It's not quite a proposal, yet.

But we're third years, and we've been together for a bit. I feel the need to do something special.

And, maybe I'm moving too fast.

But it feels... different.

I don't know.

But anyway, I wanna take him out to dinner on Friday, and give it to him.

I can do this!


Attempt #1

I knocked on Bakugou's door this morning, only to get no response.

Usually, he's not this late. He wakes me up.

But I couldn't sleep.

I was nervous.

And anxious.

I actually ended up vomiting a few times out of how fucking anxious I was.

Like, this man is who I'd like to consider as the love of my life.

And my anxiety was coming up with all these scenarios.

He'd come out and say he doesn't love me anymore, that he never did, and he just did this all to toy with my feelings.

And I felt like utter shit.

But I kept telling myself, everything's gonna be fine!

But now he isn't here.

So I shot him a text.

Sunshine, you okay?

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