White Heathers

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A/N: Alright, I'm gonna start this with a self promo. Super low, I know. But I have my reasons. So, today's prompt is flowers. I have a Tattoo Parlor Owner × Florist Kiribaku story, if you'd like to read it. I've been ignoring it this whole month, and I feel bad about it, but it's been happening. It's called "Take That With a Grain of Pixie Dust" and I update it every Saturday! Or at least I try to. My brain may be fried after this month, which I'm gonna hate, because I love that book alongside my other Kiribaku oneshots book, so this'll kill me. Anyway, self promo out of the way! Let's go!

Kirishima's POV


Bakugou walked into the kitchen, holding his wrist, tilting it back and forth.

"Bakugou, you need to stop overworking yourself with these comissions," I began as I walked over to him.

"I'm getting paid by these random shitheads online to do what I love," Bakugou said. "I ain't gonna rest until I've done at least one today,"

"And? You've done two,"

"I can do more," Bakugou hissed, cracking his wrist and neck.

"Can I get you anything when I come home from work tomorrow?" I asked. "And before you even open your damn mouth, I know you're gonna ask for coffee stuff. I gotcha,"

"Thanks," Katsuki grinned softly, which always made my heart flutter. "Could we also get more Oreos? We ran out,"

"I will get those right now. I've been craving those like mad," I said, standing up. "I'll be back. I'm gonna grab some sort of over the counter naproxen while I'm at it,"


I exited our shared apartment, wallet in hand, beginning a casual stroll to the nearest pharmacy.

Not only will they have naproxen, but they will have the medicine that heals your soul: oreos.

So, when I went into the nearest pharmacy, I grabbed a thing of Aleve along with some oreos, and fucking bounced.

Then, instead of the usual route home being available, I had to take another route.

Fucking roadwork.

So, the only route left would be to go toward the shop I work at.

Which gave me an idea.

So when I walked in with oreos and medicine, Asahi asked me what was up.

"Grabbing flowers for Bakugou,"


"He's overworking himself again,"

"You gonna confess yet?" Sugawara asked with a grin.

"No. Not yet,"

"God, you two live together and still haven't done anything?" Sugawara quickly deflated.

"Shush! Shut! No. Not doing anything," I hissed as I went into the back room. "Just getting him flowers. That's it. It can be taken from my paycheck, I don't care,"

"C'mon, Suga, don't be so pushy. You know how long it took Yuu and I to get together," Asahi said quietly.

"And you were slow as fuck too!"

Once I was actually where all the flowers were, I grabbed a yellow, white and blue alstroemeria.

"He won't know the meanings, so I'm good," I mumbled.

I grabbed an amaryllis as well.

One after one, I got myself a solid bouquet of flowers and began to head back toward the apartment.

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