Pancake Disaster

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A/N: Today's a freebie! So, this is some sort of... monster AU, of that makes sense? We've got Bakugou as a siren (I'll explain him better in a sec) and Kirishima as a vampire. I'm basic, I know, shush. But when I say Kiri's a vampire, I mean like Marceline the vampire queen (or maybe more like Marshall Lee, idk) and Bakugou is a siren (using the mermaid looking ones) who can transform for a certain amount of time and walk on land and shit. Anyway, with that, we'll begin!

Bakugou's POV

"Oh my god, stop fucking petting my fins, or I will bite you," I growled, getting a laugh from my boyfriend as he floated over my tank.

"Aw, c'mon, babe!"

"Don't yoy fucking "babe" me!" I yelled.


"... you know it makes me all soft," I pouted, going closer to the bottom of my tank.

"Wait, Katsu, I just got the best idea," Eijirou said with a grin.

"Oh, this is gonna be catastrophic," I sighed, swimming back up to the top and breaking the surface to give my boyfriend The Look ™. "What is it?"

"Wanna make pancakes?"

"Give me two minutes, sunshine. I'll have pants on and we'll be good to go,"


After the uncomfortable transformation of turning my tail into legs, I put on a pair of Kiri's boxers and pants.

"Kiri, you grab the stuff?" I asked, walking in.

"We need more eggs!" was all I heard before a screech. "Nevermind! Got us more!"

"Did you open an interdimensional portal to your mom's fridge in hell to steal her eggs?" I asked, walking into the kitchen.

"Aw, you know me so well," Kirishima gave me a grin. "I always forget you've still got your fins and gills. You're so cute, my li'l piranha,"

"I'M NOT A FUCKING--" I took a deep inhale before sighing. "Fuck it, sure,"

"You know I'm only teasing, sardine," Kirishima said, wrapping his arms around me and swaying us side to side.

"Eat a dick,"





Leaning against the counter, I sighed as Kirishima drank a glass of water.

"So, wanna get started?" he asked with a grin.

"Sure," I panted out.

"Cool. Butter's probably a little melted at this point," Kirishima grinned devilishly, his fangs on full display.


"Could you grab the measuring cups?" Kirishima requested, entirely ignoring my flustered state.

"Fine," I hissed.

I went to grab one of the measuring cups, but the webbing between my fingers made holding them very uncomfortable.

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