Soft Voices

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A/N: I'm sorry if tonight's oneshot isn't any good. I want to write really good fluff, but I'm just a little... stressed? Anxious? I don't know, I feel a little shitty, to be honest. But, maybe writing this will make me feel better, right? So, here's some fluff. Okay?

Bakugou's POV

The dorms were quiet. And, even though I complain about it all the time, I wanted it to be louder.

I don't like silence.

It makes me think.

It makes me remember.

So, instead of doing that, I decided to head downstairs to the common room to watch a movie.

Most of the class went out to some nearby shops in the prefecture, including Soy Sauce, Alien and Drooly.

The only other person I'd even think about talking to who stayed was Kirishima.

Who wasn't in his dorm.

Maybe he's making himself something to eat.

Taking the elevator, because I could, I watched the panel at the top slowly go from 4 to 1.

And when the elevator opened, I saw Kirishima, digging through the fridge.

"Oi, Shitty Hair," I said, making the redhead pull himself from the fridge with a deer in headlights look.

"Oh! It's you! 'Sup, dude?"

Relief washed through his face before he went back into the fridge.

"I'm grabbing some snacks before I watch the Steven Universe movie. Wanna watch it with me? It'll probably be over before anyone gets back," Kirishima shut the fridge with his hip, some fruit lazily tossed into a bowl. "Y'know, in case you don't want people to know you like watching a show about lesbian rocks,"

"Shut it, shithead," I scoffed, flicking him in the head. "Move over. I'm grabbing myself stuff to eat too,"

"So, was that a yes?" I heard Kirishima ask carefully as I opened the freezer.

"Yes, you dumb cunt. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need a big ass spoon for this whole pint of creamy goodness," I pulled myself from the freezer with a pint of chocolate. A sticky note had my name messily scrawled on their in handwriting that was certainly Kirishima's.

"Today a cheat day?" Kirishima laughed.

"Fuck you, I eat what I want, when I want," I growled, grabbing a spoon before trudging to the pantry.

"I'll go start the movie," Kirishima chuckled, walking off.

When I was sure he was gone, I let the smile I'd been fighting down for a while finally surface.


"Come live with us in the palace. There's a room waiting for you,"

While the song continued from the TV, I could see Kirishima tapping his fingers on his knee along to the words.

He was mouthing the words around the bite of apple that was in his mouth too.

"Kirishima, if you wanna sing, I'm not gonna stop you," I said before shoving a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.

"What? No. You'd want to," Kirishima laughed awkwardly before swallowing. "My voice isn't the prettiest, nor is it something that'd match any of the songs in this movie. Maybe 'Independent Together' or 'Drift Away' but... I dunno,"

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