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Bakugou's POV

Where's Shitty Hair?

That was my very first thought when I noticed that the upside down broom of Class 1-A wasn't in his seat.

"Oi, fuck face," I said to the first person who entered the room.

"Bakugou-kun, that is no way to address your class president," Glasses said in his usual intense monotone.

"Where's Shitty Hair?" I scoffed, ignoring the stupid arm chop Glasses did.

"Did you not hear? Kirishima-kun is in the infirmary,"

My eyes widened.

"What!?" I yelled, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him down to my level.

"Kirishima-kun should be out soon. He ran into a nasty villain during his internship yesterday, and slept most of the time," Glasses said calmly.

"I'll be back, fuck face!" I said before sprinting out of the room

If he's in a lot of pain, I'm gonna knock someone's teeth.

As I ran, I saw a bright tuft of red.

So I stopped.

Kirishima stared at me, giving me a closed mouth smile and a wave.

"Holy fuck," I hugged him tightly. "Are you okay?"

Holding his head in my hands, I waited for him to give me his breathtaking smile and say something, but he just gave me a thumbs up.

His mouth was super swollen, and it looked like everything hurt him.

"Why aren't you saying anything?"

Kirishima dug into his pocket, and pulled out his phone.

After a few moments of typing, a robotic voice informed me of the situation.

"The villain I fought this weekend broke my jaw, so I needed surgery. Chiyo-san did what she could, but I still needed to keep my jaw wired shut. Doing anything with my mouth hurts, even if I harden. So verbal tutoring is out the door for now,"

I, honest to all that is gay, had no idea what to say first.

"You are thinking about studying?"

Kirishima gave me a nod, and a small smile.

That smile quickly disappeared as he held his hand to his cheek.

"Here, let's head to class," I said, putting my hands on his shoulders and walking him to class.

Kirishima smiled again.

"Stop fucking smiling, idiot. You're hurting yourself,"

He looked like he was stuck in a silent laugh for a second or two before he pulled out his phone.

"Sorry, dude. It's just hard not to smile around you," the AI voice said from his phone.



"Mmmmnh," Kirishima groaned, dramatically throwing an arm over his eyes as he flopped onto my bed.

It's been three weeks since his incident with the villain. He's gone from being mute from the pain to being able to say proper sentences.

"I have some of your boost drinks in my mini fridge. Want one?"

"No," Kirishima sighed.

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