In Other Words

250 12 16

A/N: Okay, today's prompt is Bakusquad, right? And what I do, is I leave myself notes for each pf these, giving a brief plot idea for each oneshot. Very helpful, honestly. But not today's. Today's was, and I quote / cannot stress this enough:


That's it.


Kirishima's POV

"Hey, Bakugou!" Denki said, flopping on the back of the couch between where Bakugou and I sat. "The rest of the Bakusquad, plus Shinsou, Jirou and Yaomomo are gonna do some karaoke tonight at that karaoke bar in town. Wanna come?"

Bakugou scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Please, why would I do that when I could study? Or sleep?"

"C'mon, Bakugou," I groaned. "Please? It'll be fun, I promise! You don't even have to go up. You can just watch Denki, Hanta and I make total fools of ourselves. You can sit down and get food too! Plus, we already asked for permission for the five of us, plus Shinsou, Yaomomo and Jirou,"

Bakugou hesitated, which made me grin because that meant he was thinking about how to say yes and protect his tough dude image.

"Fucking whatever. I ain't gonna help you guys home if you get shit-faced," he rolled his eyes.

I swear, he does it so much that it seems like they'll just be stuck in some rolled position forever.

"Sweet! Thank you, Bakugou!" I grinned, slinging an arm around him.



We piled into Jirou's band van, but that wasn't enough to fit the eight of us.

So Jirou drove, Yaomomo sat beside her, Hanta and Mina sat in the middle, while Bakugou and I sat in the back. Denki and Shinsou were in Shinsou's car.

"So," I mumbled, almost unheard over Mina and Hanta's laughter. "I think I know the answer to this, but think you'll sing anything tonight?"

"In your fucking dreams," he scoffed.

Oh, you don't know how on the fucking nose you are.

Everyone in our dorm building knows I like singing.

When I hear a song that's really catchy or just super good, I can't help myself, and I just start singing.

Even if I know the notes are too high, if I'm feeling confident, I try to match the pitch, and when I succeed, I feel great! When I fail, I laugh it off and just keep going.

I genuinely enjoy singing.

But I also love hearing other people sing, too.

Even if they aren't confident in their voice, I wanna make them feel good about their voice.

No matter how much it breaks, or if their voice is "too high" or "too deep" for what they wanna sing.

I'll admit, there were people who didn't really... react the best when I took chorus.

The popular kids would seemingly force out a "congratulations" when they found out I was singing in the lowest part. Or they'd snicker and laugh behind their hands.

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