Fully Dressed

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A/N: So, to begin, this is a Quirkless! AU! No one has a Quirk at all! Also, I recently rewatched Hazbin Hotel, and you'll see why this is relevant soon. With that, off we go!

Bakugou's POV

"Whoa, you got dorm 603? Good luck, man," some senior said, handing me a slip of paper.

"The hell does that mean? Do I have some shitty roommate?" I asked, the grip on my suitcase tightening.

"You could say that," he laughed. "Anyway, glad to have you here! Hope to see you around!"

I rolled my eyes before I glanced at the paper.

That asshole... what did he say his name was? Tsumigu? Tsumugu? Tsumugi?

It was a map of the campus, and two places were circled; my dorm building and the place I was now.

Beginning the walk, I put my earbuds in, turning on a random playlist, immediately skipping the first song.

Why did they make her song so slow? Jane could've been way cooler if her song was as fast paced as everyone else's.

The walk wasn't necessarily long, it's just assholes are slow.

Plus two dude got into a fist fight, right in the middle of the walk way.

Or so I thought, until they stopped and bowed.

A street act? On the first day? With legitimate punches? Wow.

"Whatever," I scoffed, moving through.


One of the dudes looked at me, holding out a flyer.

He looked somewhat intimidating, with his purple undercut and yellow eyes, but I could see he wasn't gonna fight me.

"What classes are you here for?"

"Not registered for anything yet," I mumbled.

"Take this. Mankai club. We're a theatre group that has four sub troupes, based off the seasons. You'd do auditions for the troupe that best works for you. Might like it," he said.

I took the flyer, looking it over.

"I'll think about it," I said before walking off.


The elevators were broken.

Of fucking course they were.

"Might as well just hold this normally then," I sighed, picking up my suitcase and heading up the six stories worth of stairs.

Yet, on the stairway to the six floor, I could hear music faintly playing.

Meaning it would be blasting when I actually got up there.

This better not be my fucking roommate, or we're gonna have a few fucking problems.

I got my shit up to the door and pulled out my key.

And, wouldn't ya know it, but the music was coming from my dorm!

Meaning that my roommate is gonna annoy the ever loving FUCK outta me!

I opened the door, only to hear someone singing along to "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus.

What, are they a teenager girl?

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