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It was a busy Saturday afternoon. Different vehicles racing on the highways as well as the busy feet of people walking back and forth within the streets are just a normal day in Seoul.

If you'll look closely at the maps, they say that the whole city is bounded by a bright atmosphere and amazing landscapes.

But if you're one of those people who knows the streets better, you know where to pass by and where not to.

Among the busy, familiar routes, a dark path near the woods was blocked by electrical wires with the sign 'do not cross'.

With one step after another, a girl halted in front of the deadly barrier, hands on her pockets, mouth busy chewing a gum.

Looking around once more to ensure that no one was around, she effortlessly scanned her thumbprint on the scanner hidden somewhere that only God and specific people knew. With a grin, the gate of wires minimally opened up, leaving just enough space for her to enter.

Whistling his way around the house, his tongue grazed on his silver lip-ring accented his lower lip as his eyes were busy scanning the area.

His blue hair looks like a messy bush, with thick but neat eyebrows, dark, intimidating eyes, a pointed nose, and chapped pink lips. He has a sharp jawline and a visible Adam's apple that charms his long neck. He wears a white loose sando and a black leather jacket exposing his collarbones, black leather pants, and white sneakers—just by looking at his very existence, you'll know that you won't dare to mess with him.

He is actually well-known. A member of a top mafia and a representative of its China unit, even though he's born Korean. The sound of his name will bring mischief and blood—the infamous Na Jaemin.

"I mean, who will actually believe in you if you don't have evidence?"

[I don't need evidence, boy. Get the fuck in here.]

"Mhm, so scary" he replied with an airy laugh, purely sarcastic.

Jaemin heard the man harshly inhale on the other line, and another voice was heard.

[Jaemin, get in here before 6 p.m.]

The voice is rather stern than the one he's been talking to awhile ago. the familiar voice of a certain man that no one will dare to ignore.

With a forced sigh, he answered, "Copy Taeyong," and the call dropped.

Lee Taeyong is the leader of NCT. If Jaemin is scary, then he is much scarier. If Jaemin is skilled, then Taeyong is much more skilled, much more deadly, and much more destructive. Well, he's the leader; what will you expect?

Successfully passed through the gate, Jaemin kicked the stones along the way. Just as he took a left turn, an unfamiliar figure standing in front of the porch caught his attention.

He narrowed his eyes, trying to decipher who it was, but he's more intrigued when the person doesn't have a man's body.

"It's a girl?" he mumbled, scooting down and swiftly moving from one bush to the next. Grabbing his gun from his back holster, he unlocked the safety, ready to pull the trigger.

Narrowing his eyes, he saw her chewing, probably gum. She has short brown hair and is wearing a mask, a simple white shirt, black leather pants, and black heeled boots.

As much as he doesn't want to consider the girl a threat, he's also dead sure that she's not a member of NCT and not a member's girlfriend.

With one last decision, he made his way to the girl and was about to aim his gun when she faced him with a smirk.

"It took you a long time to approach me," she said, emotionless.

Jaemin raised a brow and dropped his gun. "Who are you?"

"Can you take me to Taeyong?"

"I ask who" but he was cut off when she swiftly grabbed his gun in a split second and aimed at him.

He can't believe it either. He thinks his eyes are playing games with him. How can a girl react so fast in a blink of an eye?

"So?" she tilted his head. His lips formed a small smile.

He threw his head back in frustration and rolled his eyes. "Just who are you?"

She hadn't answered yet, so she pressed the button, sliding the magazine down like a pro. Jaemin just stared at her with a blank face. 

A few seconds after she grabbed his wrist and placed the gun on his palm—without the bullets.

Now you can see his expression changing. He held a very dark aura, soul-piercing eyes and teeth gritting. His fists bawled up, his knuckles white. He madly threw his gun on the ground and raged at the girl, who was just watching in amusement.

She let him grip her wrist and kicked the door open, earning a loud bang, dragging her everywhere that she already knew.

She will be lying if his grip isn't painful—it really is—not to mention his nails dug her skin, so she might assume that her skin already has small bruises.

The dragging felt like forever; Jaemin was striding here and there, turning everywhere until they reached the third floor and the very last room.

He twisted the doorknob and flung the door open without a knock, causing two figures who'd been chilling inside to jolt up.

Jaemin then harshly threw her to the front and sighed heavily. "This bitch wants to see you," he grumbled.

He was expecting a bullet to dig into her skin, but his leader's sudden move made his eyes widen.

Taeyong just hugged the girl.

Welcome to my most hyped mafia book since 2020 👏 I know I'm gonna have a great time fixing this book

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Welcome to my most hyped mafia book since 2020 👏 I know I'm gonna have a great time fixing this book. 

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