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Taeyong sprinted inside when he reached the house, banging the door close just to see a specific girl getting treated by Jeno in the living room.

"Seriously, Aeri?"

The said girl just rolled her eyes and looked at her brother with a small smile. "I'm okay."

"No, you're not!"

"Yes, I am Yong; this is not deep, and it's not my first time."

The older man can just ruffle his hair in frustration and eye the six boys who're awkwardly standing, "Good job boys."

And that's what it takes for them to sigh in relief. "We thought you'd kill us," Jisung said while rubbing his chest.

"You're scaring them. Come on, can't you just leave some things for me?"

Taeyong huffed and slumped beside her, showing Jeno a small smile, who's carefully putting the gauze bandage on. "I didn't send them to help you; in fact, they're on a mission to stop Jet, but you got there earlier, and the next thing I knew, Jaehyun came running to my office, shouting that you're fighting with them."

She giggled at the sight of his stressed face and thanked Jeno for helping out once he's done.


It was almost 1 a.m. when the Dream and Taeyong arrived at Neo House. The youngers directly climbed up the second floor to their rooms, their eyelids getting heavy and their bodies being itchy because of their sweat.

Taeyong, on the other hand, slumped back on his swivel chair inside his office. Grabbing a black stone from his pocket, he eyed it closely, twirling and thinking about every possibility of what's on this thing.

"What's that?"

Good thing he's not a scaredy-cat and remained unbothered after the sudden voice.

"Jaemin got this on one of the Jets."

"We can ask Doyoung to look at it."

Taeyong shrugged and put the stone down, throwing his head back and twirling the chair in circles. "Sometimes I think that Aeri is really stupid for bringing herself into trouble, but I am somewhat proud that she knows how to defend herself."

Jaehyun just hummed in agreement.

"It's just that I worry too much. Maybe because we're the only ones left and I'm older. I have the responsibility to take care of her."

"You've been a good brother to her."

"Really, Jung Jaehyun? I'm literally the leader of a mafia."

"And so?"

"So? I'm not that good."

With a sigh, the younger man made his way to the older man's desk and placed both hands on top. "Not all mafias are bad. Some do good things like us. Tracking and helping innocent people? Saving lives?"

Taeyong puffed his cheeks and stared at the ceiling. "We kill lives more than save them."

"At least we're able to defend our loved ones."

And for a moment there, Taeyong felt warm and proud that he really did a good job raising his sister alone. "I think you're right."


"Are you asleep, Jaem?" Jeno whispered at the boy who's been lying on his back for the whole 15 minutes now.

"What do you think, Jeno?"

The said boy let out an airy chuckle and just decided to stay quiet.

The silence lasted for 5 minutes. 

Jaemin tossed over, back facing Jeno, and closed his eyes. "I'm sleeping."

"Mhm, good night, Jaem."


Jeno then smiled at the unexpected scene replaying in his mind. It was when he treated Aeri's knife cut on her forearm.

He doesn't know why, but he found the girl really interesting.

Tossing over, he began to close his eyes and let sleep take over. He was approaching Fairyland when a loud snore made his senses bolt up once again.

"Park Jisung, really"

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