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Aeri, Mark, Jisung, and Chenle stepped in the main door, shoulders slumping and energy drained as they dragged their feet.

"What's with you kids?" Johnny immediately asked when he spotted them.

"School" says Mark

"Hell" says Aeri

"Tired" says Jisung

"Homework" says Chenle

Johnny lightly laughed and gave them a brief hug each. "Make us proud," he cheekily said.

The four groaned and stomped away upstairs, directly to their rooms.

"Sister!" Taeyong's voice made Aeri halt her tracks. "Come, let's go to your room."

"But your room is..." she pointed to the left row of rooms.

"Nah, we cleaned one of the guest rooms. I'm thinking you need your own."

"Just say that I take most of your bed space."

The older man chuckled and threw an arm around her shoulder. "That's one of the reasons, but your room is... here."

They stopped at the door between two rooms, across from Johnny's room.

"That room on the left is the other guest room; on the right is the Dream's room; and at the front..."

"Johnny's.. I know"

"Very well then. Your things are already inside. Go explore."

"Thanks," she said, showing a warm smile and twisting the doorknob, stepping inside.

Aeri's eyes wandered throughout the whole room. It's huge, actually.

The walls are painted white with black linings and a single window.

There's a king-sized bed that is neatly covered by one of her own bedsheets, and the pillow cases are also hers.

There's an attached bathroom, an air conditioner, a vanity, a bedside table, two couches under the window, and a shoe rack.

Some of her things are already organized, either on the vanity or the bedside table.

There's still packed boxes; opening them, it's her clothes.

"Well, let's get to work."

After unpacking all the remaining boxes, Aeri opened the closet and actually gasped that it's a walk-in closet.

"No wonder why it is huge."

After hours of organizing all her stuff, Aeri took a warm shower, slipping in a blue sweater, sweatpants, and her fluffy slippers.

"How's your room?"

"Mother.. father" she leaped in shock the moment she stepped out.

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