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It was the same night, and the clock strike 11.

Aeri sneaked out of Taeyong's room right after she confirmed that the older man was sound asleep and went to the kitchen to pig out.

She saw a guy sitting on one of the chairs at the kitchen counter, the dim light illuminating his blue hair and his slender hands cupping the glass.

"Drinking again?"

Her voice startled him, knocking him out of his trance. His eyes trailed on her back, watching her rummage the fridge, and he took out a tub of ice cream and a spoon. She then made her way towards him and sat in front of him with a cheeky smile.

"What's with you and ice cream?" he asked with a raised brow.

"My boyfriend," she giggled.

Jaemin just let her eat peacefully while he focused on his own world.

Aeri spared a glance, seeing him deep in thought, head hung low. She poked his hand, making him flinch at her cold touch. "Oh, sorry.

"Your hands are cold."

"Ah, probably ice cream."

The boy just nodded and took a sip.


He just hummed in response.

"I know we're not in the best circle yet, but I kind of have a soft heart for this moment. You know, seeing the one you are with, with that sad face."

Jaemin looked up and met her worried eyes. She then threw a small smile.

"Everything will be okay" she said with a softer tone, making him sigh again. She leaned on the backrest. "We fight nonstop, but that doesn't mean I have to get mad at you 24/7. I'm still a little considerate."

Jaemin lightly chuckled and took a sip. "This conversation is so peaceful that it creeps me out."

"Hey! I'm not that bad. I can be nice if you tell me to."

"Yeah, I bet you're on Santa's naughty list every single year."

"Says you," she pouted and shoved spoonful of ice cream on her mouth.

Jaemin watched her dig the tub like a mad baby, her lips pouting and her cheeks lightly puffing. She looks extra adorable. and he can't even deny it.

"Hey Aeri"


"How did you learn self-defense?"

Aeri smiled excitedly at the question: "It's when after our parents died, Taeyong was already an ace karate athlete at school. He taught me every single day until we collapsed on the hard ground of the karate gym."

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