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"She's your sister!" Jaemin yelled in surprise.

"Uhh," Taeyong rubbed his nape and eyed Jaehyun, who's biting his lower lip, trying hard not to laugh. The leader just took one deep sigh and nodded. "she is"

"What the fuck?" the younger man mumbled and raked fingers at his hair in frustration.

He stared at the girl who's already looking at him with those teasing grins, arms crossed, lower back leaning on Taeyong's desk.

Jaemin doesn't know what to feel or what to do exactly. He knows he's irritated, frustrated, and mad, just wanting to fire everyone up.

Taeyong glared at his sister, and she just mouthed 'what'. He then turned to the younger male: "Jaemin, can you leave us for a moment?"

"Oh, I will actually do it, boss." he answered with a relieving sigh and threw a last glare at the girl before stepping out of the office and closing the door.

Jaehyun walked towards the girl with slow claps and a satisfied smile, dimples clearly visible. "I didn't know you'd ruin his mood more," he enthusiastically said, ruffling her hair. "Nice to see you again, Ri."


"She's also happy to see you, Jaehyun; you may leave." Taeyong cut them off, earning a look from the two.

Nevertheless, the said boy obediently followed, and now the siblings are left in the room.

The older man sighed and placed both hands on his lips like an angry mom. "Who told you to come here unnoticed?"

The younger threw her hands up in surrender. "Well, I'm sorry, I can't call anyone of you since those dumb shits might hack your phone and trace my number and kill me." she defended, lowkey proud of herself for sounding so smart there.

"Still! Someone could've seen you! Or you can just wait for me to come home."

"Yeah, and wait for another month? For your information, you haven't visited me for four months already, and you kind of broke the promise of coming at least once a month, so I'm also here to break my promise."

Taeyong froze on the spot. both worried and apologetic, "I'm sorry, Aeri.. I'm just scared if someone might track me and will know you and put you in harm."

Lee Aeri— twenty yearls old, is Taeyong's younger sister. She goes by a show name, Nam Aeri. Aeri isn't a part of NCT or any gang. In fact, she's living like a normal student out there, except for the fact that she's skilled enough in fighting, not to mention how she handles guns and knives.

Lee Aeri is Taeyong's only weakness. Sure, he may appear without one, but if she's on the line, he will grow instantly weak. That's the reason why Taeyong sent her alone, let her live alone, and cut ties with her, but of course he won't completely cut everything. He promised to visit her secretly from time to time.

"Jaemin, do send her home."

"What!" both Jaemin and Aeri voiced out.

"Don't make me repeat it again, and please, Aeri, don't barge in without notice again."

The girl just showed a sheepish smile and hugged her brother for the last time. "See you in next month, maybe?" 

Taeyong just chuckled and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Let's see about that."

With one last farewell, two teens of the same age are now on the way to the underground parking lot. Passing by the expensive cars in line, Jaemin stopped at the blue Pagani Huayra and hopped on the driver's seat.

Aeri scoffed and made her way to the back seat. 

The boy furrowed his brows and eyed her from the rear-view mirror. "Do I look like a driver here?"

The girl wolf-whistled and showed one sweet smile: "Your boss literally told you to drive me home, so you lowkey look like my driver now."

The said boy groaned in annoyance, pushed the engine to start, didn't waste a second to step on the gas, and swiftly drove out of the parking lot like a pro.


Aeri reached the device and wired the address, then slumped back on her seat without saying a word.

The drive only lasted for 15 minutes—maybe because the road is not that occupied with cars or Jaemin is just a fan of very fast speed that the supposed 30 to 35-minute ride only lasted for a minimal time.

"Thanks, Blue!" Aeri beamed and stepped out of the car.

Jaemin stepped out not long after and looked around the area.

The neighborhood is actually dark; only dim streetlights are on, and there are many trees around. The area is quiet and has an eerie vibe.

"Are you staying?"

Jaemin snapped his head in her direction with a raised brow. "Are you crazy?"

"Well, drive off," she shrugged and stepped into the house.

After confirming that the whole area was safe, Jaemin hopped in the car once again.

He eyed the house for the last time and saw the lights on both floors being lit up. He then drove back at a normal speed.

 He then drove back at a normal speed

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