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"So, how's the ride?" was the very first question that Jaemin encountered the moment he stepped into the living room. 

"Fine?" he answered, slumping on the other side of the sofa.

"Did she really make you angry?"

The younger man stared at Jaehyun, who's on the other side, and shrugged. "She looked at ease when she saw me. It looked like she already sensed someone coming. She grabbed my gun, unloaded the bullets, and gave it back to me. Fuck, who won't get mad at that?"

A loud laugh from behind made the two tilt their heads and saw Johnny clutching his stomach.

  "Ae-Aeri.. Aeri did that!?" he asked between his laughs.

Jaemin raised a brow. "Do all of you know her?"

"Apart from the Dreamies, yes," another guy named Yuta showed up. "Maybe Taeyong forgot to introduce her to you when y'all joined."

"Except me and Mark!" Donghyuck joined while striding inside, dragging another guy.

"Of course, Hyuck, both of you got in ahead of the others." Yuta answered, rolling his eyes.

"What happened to Johnny-hyung?" Mark asked while pointing at the tall guy who looked like he was fainting.

"Laughed too much," Jaehyun answered. with a shrug

"Wait up! So you're saying when Taeyong sent me, Renjun, Jeno, Chenle, and Jisung to receive training in China with WayV, he introduced her to all of you?"

Jaehyun, Yuta, Johnny, Donghyuck, and Mark shared a look, their eyes nudging each other on who and what to say.


"No, before you joined, Taeyong already introduced Aeri to us so we could get familiar with her, talk to her, and protect her. When you, Renjun, Jeno, Chenle, and Jisung were recruited, Taeyong immediately sent you to China to train with WayV. Taeyong may or may not have forgotten to introduce Aeri to you, but for your information, Ten, Winwin, and Lucas already knew her since they basically joined earlier than you guys and the rest of WayV." Doyoung, the smart guy cut them all off and raised a brow. "Any questions?"

Jaemin can just shake his head, and Doyoung, who is also responsible for explaining all the things, just sighed in relief. 

"Uhhh, who's Aeri?" Chenle popped up out of nowhere

Doyoung groaned, which received chuckles from the others.

"Taeyong's little sister" Donghyuck answered with a beaming smile.

"Taeyong has a sister!" Renjun, Jeno, Chenle, and Jisung all yelled in chorus.

Doyoung can just facepalm and hop on the sofa, head on Jaemin's lap, and legs on Jaehyun's.

"Uhh, Doyoung hyung?"

"Don't talk to me."

"Dream?" the familiar voice of their leader made all of them look in the direction.

Mark, Donghyuck, Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin, Chenle, and Jisung raised their hands.

"Jet is on their way to a convenience store. I want you to take this mission and make sure no one will get hurt. Help the civilians and just do good things. I'll wire you the address, so better change quick and prepare your weapons. Mark, your lead. Be safe."

"Dream, let's go!" the said boy called, and the seven boys stormed out of the room.



"I want you to prepare for a backup if something goes wrong."

"Aye captain!" Johnny answered with a playful salute and jogged out.

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