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"Lock the doors, close the windows, and leave the light on the living room," Jaehyun reminded her again, like he used to throughout the years.

Aeri then nodded happily and placed a peck on his cheek.

"Drive safe, Jae" she said, waved good-bye and stepped into the house.

Jaehyun stood there, cheeks heated pink as he couldn't control his smiles, dimples showing in all his glory of happiness. He may or may not have a crush on his boss' sister.

He cleared his throat and once again showed a stern face, looking around the area to spot some threat.

When he confirmed that there's none, he hopped back in his car and drove away.

The sweet bliss of a cloudy morning greeted Aeri as she stepped out of her house. Looking up, some gray clouds were scattered, and the glowing sun was not that visible.

After securing the house, she walked to the not-so-busy road out of the neighborhood—just some elders sweeping the asphalt ground, students in different uniforms walking with tired faces, and cars coming in and out.

If Taeyong will just let her drive a car, then she won't be struggling, walking and all.

After almost an hour of bus rides, she finally walked through the large gates of the school, seeing the familiar faces of guards and teachers along the way.

She kept a serious expression along the way to her building.

Aeri stepped into her classroom using the back door, not wanting to receive much attention and chilling in her seat, but boy, she's wrong.

"Yeah, punch him!"

"Come on, Jiho, you can do it!"

"Who's on the upper hand now?"

"Oohhhh, hyung! Dang, that's right!"

Useless fights in the early morning. She massaged her temples and chanted excuses between the crowd.

Her eyes landed on her desk, which is being abused. Jiho's upper body was leaning there, and Hyunjin was pouncing onto him.

Aeri rolled her eyes and marched to her desk, which caught her classmates' attention.

"Get up"

"Ae-Aeri help!"

"I said, get up, little fucker!" Her sudden outburst made the students' eyes widen, and murmurs broke out.

"She's mad, oh no."

"I now want to see her quiet rather than hear her talk."

"What can she do anyway?"

"Yeah, she looks harmless."

Of course, she's harmless. She doesn't even have the heart to join her own brother's gang, even if all the boys are close to her, but don't even forget what she can do when she's not in the mood. Not to mention her carrying a folded knife even in school for 'self defense'.

"Get the fuck off him, Hyunjin. Go to the corner and continue there." she deadpanned.

Hyunjin raised a brow, his stoic eyes meeting her unfazed ones. He then scoffed and gripped Jiho's shirt, harshly throwing him aside.

"Good," Aeri sighed and positioned her chair and desk properly before sitting.

Her unbothered figure surprised Hyunjin so much. He then sat on the top of her desk and lean over with a grin.

"I never saw you like this before."

"Because you're always busy attending to your sluts?" she replied with a mocking voice.

"Oh, I think I should look out for you instead. You're hella interesting."

"My whole life is interesting, Hyunjin. Want to take a better look?"

He responded with a grin. Aeri sweetly smiled and stood up, slowly leaning forward until their faces were just inches apart without breaking eye contact.

Just as he was about to close the gap when Aeri leaned away and flung her bawled fist to his face.


Blood came dripping from his lower lip, and the girl could just show him another sweet, innocent smile.

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