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Aeri leaped in shock, causing the younger to burst into laughter. She glared and playfully got her into a headlock.

"Okay, okay!" Naih said with both hands raised in surrender.

Aeri let go of her and patted her head. "Good puppy."

The said younger frowned and raised a brow. "I'm a kitten."

Aeri chuckled and nodded. "So yeah, why are you here? It's nice to see Jisung not clinging to you."

"I shove him away, and I want to eat with you; let's go!" and so she dragged the older girl, not waiting for an answer.

They both stopped at the bakery blocks away from school and ordered varieties of breads and sweets according to their preferences.

"You know, ever since I met Jisung, I feel like taking care of a child."

"But he's older than you, though."

"By months, yes, but he's such a cute baby off the mission, I can't with him."

"You love him, though."

Naih giggled and nodded, taking a slice of her cheesecake. "Agree, but he's kind of possessive recently."

"Boyfriend instincts? Like they just don't want their girls to be taken away."

"Maybe." the younger shrugged. "By the way, any crushes?"

"What's with the sudden question?

"You know, ever since Jisung told me about you, I can't stop wondering who to ship you with."

"Romantic kiddo" Aeri shook her head and munched on her macaroons.

"Sometimes I just want to ship you with Jaehyun, like that guy's can be hot and cute at the same time."

"Lol girl, you have your man."

"Ugh okay..or.. Renjun?"

"Renjun's my bicker buddy."

"Oh.. Mark?"

"Nah, he's more like my older brother."

"Then... Junguwu?"

"Ugh, I definitely got my uwus for him."

"Me too, but ugh, who should I ship you with?"

"Naih, stop and just eat your untouched bread, will you?"

The younger didn't answer and was still looking at nowhere, trying to think.

Aeri just ignored her, and in a few seconds she earned a sudden slap in the arm.


"Jaemin! Hah, I'll start praying for my ship to sail now."

Aeri's brow raised to the highest level. "Na Jaemin? You know I can be with Jeno."

"Jisung did tell me about the weekend training, and, bruh, I love you with that."

"He's just a pussycat."

"Pussy, huh, the more you hate, the more you love."

"Naih, my closest female friend; I also hate Johnny, but I don't love him."

"You hate Johnny because he's always teasing you. It's different with Jaemin. Also, the way you both met looks like a Kdrama."

"Bruh, I'm not depending on you again."

"I'll be betting with Jisung now."

"Who does he ship me with?"

"Jeno" Naih grinned.

Both girls walked on a chilly sidewalk, chatting and laughing and all.

Unaware of their surroundings, they're still going on with their numerous selfies until two masked men reach for their phones and run away.

Both Aeri and Naih paused for a second and shared a knowing look.

With a grin, both of them ran in opposite directions, trying to track and trap the men.

With countless turns, Naih is already tailing in the back.

With Aeri's sudden appearance, the men stopped their tracks and turned around, but they saw the other girl—they're trapped.

"Well?" Naih said with a sly smirk.

"Feisty girls" one of them snickered.

Aeri scoffed and secretly reached for her dagger. "Hand over the phones, and we'll let you live in peace." She then mentioned a call sign, which Naih was quick to understand.

The younger woman puffed her ear with an earpiece and said, "Call 911 and track my direction."

Aeri grinned and directly advanced, swinging her dagger on one of her wrists, making him scream.

Naih took the chance to handle the other man and settled in hand-in-hand.

Aeri's eyes widened when the man pulled out his own knife but got used right after. "I've already encountered countless of those," she said, blocking his wrist, which has the metal, and strongly kicked his abdomen.

The other man pulled out a gun, but Naih was quicker to kick the weapon out of his hold and grabbed the collar of his leather jacket. "No weapons, baby" she snickered, and pulled his head down, kneeling him.

The whole situation lasted between 12 and 13 minutes until a police siren echoed around the place.

"It seems like the game is over." Aeri smirked and settled another punch on his jaw.

The girls kicked the men away, making them bump into each other, snatching their own phones, and running.

They shouldn't get caught by the police.

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