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It was past 10 p.m. on the same night when Aeri walked out of the house, hands inside her hoodie pocket, as she made her way to the convenience store.

In need of something crispy to chew on, she bought two bags of large chips and a can of orange juice to freshen her up.

"You're alone again?" the male part-timer who's currently operating the cash register asked, which made her chuckle.

"I'm always alone, Eya."

"I know, and you worry the shit out of me when you always go out past 10 and walk back home at 12."

Instead, she laughed and shook her head while grabbing the plastic bag with the foods. "Nah, I'm good, no worries."

Well, Aeri and Eya grew unexpectedly close when Eya started his part-time job in this store. His shift is between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. Since this is open 24/7, and Aeri will always go here past 10, they both eventually got familiar with each other and became friends.

"Should I go to the tables, or would you like me to accompany you?"

"As much as I want you to stay, but I know you go here to chill out on your favorite spot," he said, rolling his eyes

"Nah, it's fine; I'll just talk to you then."

"Nah, seriously, Aer-"

"Hands up!"

The sudden, loud, stern voice interrupted the two and looked at the masked men in shock. Two of them got inside the store, guns in their grip, aiming at the two.

Eya was trembling in fear, both hands up in surrender, as he whispered to the girl, "Ae-aeri, let's just hide." He spoke in full fright.

Aeri, on the other hand, was unfazed by the situation, totally unamused as she eyed the glass walls shattered in pieces. Clicking her tongue, she stared at the nearest man with a stern look.

"You budged in here, interrupting our chilly moment, broke the glass, and what? Try to steal?"

Eya was about to speak when a gun came in contact with his head. The man cocked the weapon while laughing.

"Feisty huh?"

The girl just scoffed a laugh and lazily raised her hands in surrender. "Go on, this place is yours."

The man grinned and walked past her, but the moment he passed, Aeri took the chance to hit his lower back with her elbow and grabbed his gun off his grip. The man was about to touch her when she quickly unlocked the safety and pulled the trigger, firing twice—one on his knee and one on his rib.

Eya stayed there in both amusement and fear. Aeri has those stoic eyes, an aura as dark as the night sky, and skills. How did she do that?

"Put the gun down and let him go," she said, aiming at the man who got hit. 

"You're one skilled girl. Who are you?"

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