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A month passed like a triggering nightmare for Aeri.

The muffled sounds of guns, bombs, and cries still encrypted in her mind.

The whole do-or-die moment was the very first battle she got into. She was proud of herself, of course.

Although the whole case is still a mystery to the flashing news, all mafias have already dropped StrayKids down to their memories.

No member survived.

The battlefield is really a graveyard.

For the past month, Taeyong did wake up by the third week.

Guess what he said to his sister?

"The fuck, Lee Aeri, you're the dumbest, craziest person I ever met, but I'm fucking proud of you. Give your brother a hug."

A happy ending, right?

Now the blinding lights of the large disco ball hanging in the living room make the night more intense.

It was a party, indeed.

All the boys drowned themselves in food and drinks.

The 127 boys filled their stomachs with tequilas and vodkas while the Dream babies drowned themselves in apple juice.

It's apple juice, really.

Jaemin snaked an arm around Aeri's waist as he pulled her closer and leaned to her ear. "Backyard," he whispered.

Aeri lightly chuckled and placed a peck on his lips before standing up and literally dragging him out, maneuvering through the wild boys until they reached the backyard.

"So..." she started and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Jaemin chuckled, encircled his hands around her waist, and glued his forehead to hers.

They began to sway, taking small steps on each side as they danced to the non-existing slow music—just the loud thumping of their hearts serving as the beat.

Jaemin pressed a long, loving kiss to her forehead and darted his eyes at her. "You're so beautiful."

"You're not bad yourself."

They both lightly laughed, and Jaemin stopped moving.



"I'm just thinking. We do kiss each other at times, but we haven't cleared out our relationship."


"So, as I was saying, will you be mine?" He leaned in and smirked. "I'm not taking a no, babe. Just a warning."

Aeri laughed, closed the gap between their lips, and pulled an inch away. "A lifetime with you, Na Jaemin."

"A lifetime with you," he replied back, and once again they crashed their lips together as the kiss deepened with every move.


"So that was the story of Lee Aeri and Na Jaemin."

The 3-year-old twins clapped as they cheered on their baby voices.

"But mom~ what happened to them right after?" Jani asked.

"They got married after Aeri continued her studies, finished college, and had two princesses!"

"Twins mom," Jinhi corrected, causing Aeri to laugh.

"I'm home~" The familiar voice of a man made the twins jump out of the sofa and run to greet their father with their small arms spreading out.

"Daddy!" they shouted in chorus as Jaemin crouched down to hug them.

"You were waiting? I'm sorry."

"It's okay, dad!" Jinhi beamed.

"Mom told us your story again!" Jani said.

Aeri's chuckle caused them to turn in the direction, and Jaemin immediately flashed his famous sweet smile as he placed a loving kiss on her forehead.

"I love you so much," he whispered.

"I love you too."

"Me too!" the twins chorused, and the four of them happily chatted together.

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Ayo okay it's done!

finally came to an end

This was my most hyped mafia book since 2020 and it was a marvelous time editing/fixing this!

Mess is also one of my favorite personal works, and I'm proud that I am able to complete this with satisfaction.

Hopefully it added to your liking too!

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