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Taeyong hopped in the driver's seat after Aeri got in.

Jaehyun settled on the backseat, and the moment they're all set, they drive off the parking lot.

The three decided to get the things to the siblings' house, especially Aeri's.

Just as Taeyong took a right turn, showering bullets aimed through them.


"Aeri, drop down!" Taeyong instructed, and she instantly did. "Jaehyun, call for backup."

The three secured their guns and unlocked the safety, ready to fire.

"Aeri doesn't ever come out."

"Then don't come out either!" Aeri spat back and shrieked when someone banged on the door beside her.

"They're coming," Jaehyun said, looking around. "We're trapped."

"Fuck," Taeyong mumbled under his breath, "we don't have any bulletproof clothes today."

"Tell them, hurry up! Ahhh! Oh my life, don't take it away from me."

"Aeri, grab the handle with all your might."

A crack in the windshield filled their ears, making their eyes widen.

"Great, I'll see mom and dad early."

"Shut up, Lee Aeri." Taeyong rolled his eyes, and his grip on his gun was tighter than ever.

"Can you please hurry up?" he spoke through his earpiece.

[I'm here] Jaemin's voice echoed the other line.

"Thank goodness, my friend." Aeri dramatically said

"I thought you hated each other," Jaehyun said.

"He could be my friend for now."

[Shut up, Lee Aeri.] Jaemin replied, and Donghyuck's laugh was heard.

"They're around now," Taeyong stated, looking at the two, "in three seconds."

Aeri raised a brow, and by the last count, a loud bang of an explosion made her scream.

"Oh my gosh, I'm not ready for—aaaaahh! Who the fuck—ah, eomma!"

Both Taeyong and Jaehyun burst into laughter.

Once the defeaning sounds died down, Taeyong opened his door and got out like nothing happened.

Aeri followed after some seconds, legs weakening and wobbly because of sitting down in an uncomfortable position for several minutes.

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