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Mark and Aeri stepped out of the phone store after buying, and Aeri was busy tapping away at the screen of her new baby.

"You better want to look at the road," Mark said, but the girl didn't answer.

He sighed, snatched the phone off her grip, and typed something.

"Press 2 if something happens. I'm one call away." he said, throwing the phone, but luckily she caught it.

"You're welcome to buy me another if I drop it." she hissed, and they just continued their way to school.

The path to Aeri's building is crowded; loud cheers fill the atmosphere, and the sound of grunts and groans is getting louder.

"Fight?" Mark mumbled and raised a brow. "Early in the morning."

The girl took an annoyed sigh and poked his arm. "I need to get to my locker."

Mark looked around in some ways, but the hallways were covered. "We need to cross that thing," he said pertaining to the fight.

"Then we'll cross."

"aeri it's–"

"Dangerous," she mocked and dragged him, chanting some excuses until they got to the inner circle—a senior and a junior fighting.

"Nice," Mark snickered and nudged at her, "ready to pass?"

She shrugged and walked forward, clearly unbothered, with Mark following her. Her eyes shifted to them as they whispered such comments, like they're crazy or what.

Aeri reached the middle until a sudden force bumped her, making her body push against the wall. She felt a striking pain in her spine.

"Damn," she heard Mark mumble, and she reached for her hand to make her stand up straight.

"You shit, there's a girl in here!" Mark growled, and the two guys stopped to look in their direction.

"If you want to fight, do it somewhere else! Not in the path where the capable students can't cross and get late on their classes because of some shit you do!" he added and dragged Aeri past the crowds, successfully reaching her locker.

Aeri took a moment to enjoy the cola she brought from the vending machine, not wanting to come back to her classroom and listen to their teacher's boring discussion.

She scrolled on her social media while taking sips, but not until a hand snatched the drink and threw it to the ground.

"What the fuck!" she yelled and glared at the person. "You're the senior who bumped me, oh wow."

The guy hissed and kicked the can out of the way. "I don't mind to do it for the second time."

"Why do you have a thing for bumping? Are you a bouncer?"

He lightly laughed and took a step closer to her. "What's your relationship with Mark?"

"Mark? Mark Lee? Mark Tuan?"

"Mark Lee! Ugh!"

Aeri laughed, actually amused by how she annoyed the senior.

He threw a piercing glare at her and slammed a hand on the wall, just inches away from her head.

She lightly flinched at the sudden attack but threw an innocent smile right after.

"I don't know that his name is Mark."

"Oh yeah, who are you to fool me?"

"And who are you to ask me? Step away."

"Or what?"

"Or you won't be able to produce more babies."

"You're just all talk."

"3 seconds"

The senior slammed another hand, now trapping her.

Aeri grinned and didn't waste one more second kneeling in the part where it hurt the most, causing him to get on his knees while yelling in pain.

She crouched in front of him and patted his head. "I'm all talk" she said, standing up, walking back to the vending machine to purchase another cola.

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