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The members obediently head out for training, with Johnny taking the lead.

The members are also taking shifts driving around the area to spot a possible threat.

Jaemin was fuming in anger, taking big strides to the assassin hall, where Jisung told him where the girl could be.

He banged the door open, causing Aeri and Jungwoo to stop and look at him.

"Lee, Aeri, we need to talk." His deep, stern voice caused her to be off guard. Jungwoo whispered that he'd be out.

Aeri just looked at him confusedly; his eyes are dark, with a flash of anger in them.

He grabbed the combat knife off her hold and threw it on the floor.

"What's wrong with you?"

"YOU!" His sudden burst of anger caused her to step back, and her eyes began to shake.

Jaemin raked his hair in frustration and looked away. "You're planning on going there? Are you out of your mind?"

"Jaemin listen–"

"NO, YOU LISTEN!" he turned to face her again. "AERI, IT'S FAR DANGEROUS FOR YOU, AND YOU KNOW THIS."


"Aeri, we can do it."

"WE! YES, WE! AND I'M INCLUDED IN THAT," she said, taking a deep sigh, and tears started to form in her eyes. "Jaemin, it's them who killed our parents."

Jaemin's eyes widened, and his dark eyes began to soften.

"Like Yena.. it was a gang chase.. it's a hit and run," Aeri harshly wiped her tears away. "It was stated on the information from the diary.. Taeyong already knew about it, but he hasn't told me."


"Like you, I wanted to kill whoever killed my parents back then, and now that I've seen them, I'm not letting them go!"

"Aeri, please, listen."

"I KNOW! YOU'LL SAY IT'S DANGEROUS AND IT WILL STILL BE FOREVER!" Aeri sighs, "Taeyong's not here with me. He's surrounded by tubes, and it kills me!"

Jaemin began to walk towards her, but she held her hand up to stop him.

"I'm leaving," she mumbled and ran out of the hall.

"FUCK!" he yelled at the top of his lungs as he caught his heavy breaths.

It was past 8, and the boys didn't hear a single word from the girl.

Jaehyun already told them that she's just in the medical room, wanting to be alone.

She hasn't eaten, actually. She skipped lunch and dinner, but she doesn't care at all. Aeri just spent the day grieving until she passed out, woke up, and cried again while talking to her unconscious brother.

Jaemin paced back and forth in their room, biting his nails as he continuously whispered how stupid he was.

The door opened, making him leap in shock.

Jeno looked at him confusedly and sighed. "Jaehyun-hyung said Aeri finally ate."

"Finally!" he exclaimed and ran out.

He reached the medical room and mentally prayed for his soul to be spared before opening the door.

There, he saw Aeri outside the isolation room, sitting on a chair with her head hung low.

Jaemin walked towards her, her muffled sobs getting louder as he got nearer.

Aeri saw a familiar figure standing beside her, her body shaking with the tension of crying, feeling a certain pain in her eyes, but the tears are just overflowing.

Jaemin heaved a sigh and crouched down in front of her, gently wiping her tears with his hanky.

"Aeri, I'm sorry," he softly said, holding her shaky hands. "I shouldn't say that to you or raise my voice. I'm sorry."

Aeri shook her head and sniffled. "It's fine. I know you're just worried."

"Still, I shouldn't yell at you."

"It's fine, Jaem, I understand"

Jaemin took a deep sigh and pulled her up, leading her to one of the beds. They climbed up as he pulled her closer, head on his chest as his arms securely wrapped around her.

"I will help you, okay?"

"What made you decide that?"

He flashed a small smile and placed a loving kiss on her head. "I don't want you to face danger all by yourself. You need us. We need each other. As long as I am breathing, I won't let you go alone. You have me, princess."

"Taeyong will be happy to hear that."

"Oh, he will," he chuckled. "We'll put an end to this together."

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