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"Have you actually seen an ant carrying each other?"

"Have you seen a flock of birds separating?"

"Have you seen"

"Have you seen me kill a member?" Johnny cut him off, and the poor Mark could just motion, zippering his mouth, and look away from the latter's dark, annoyed eyes.

[Yuta, you can see a door when you turn left. You can enter there.] Doyoung spoke through the earpiece

"That's hyung for you, and thank you," Yuta whispered with a mocking tone before nudging Taeyong, "Should I come in first or you?"

Taeyong just gave him a look and strode past him, opening the door without a second thought.

 "Lead the way then," Yuta sighed.

[Uhh Donghyuck? Seven o'clock]

Donghyuck immediately grabbed his gun from his waistband and snapped back, seeing the said man with a gun.

"Should I shoot?"


And with the cue, he effortlessly pulled the trigger, landing two bullets square to the man's chest. Donghyuck let out a victorious grin and winked at Jungwoo.

"It's your turn, Woo."

The older man then heaved a sigh before firing at the two men running in their direction after hearing the gunshots.

[You didn't install a silencer!] Taeyong's scolding voice echoed the other line.

"Oooppss, hehe," Donghyuck turned nervously to Jungwoo, who's busy turning down another couple of men.

"A hand here, Hyuck?"

But before the younger man could react, an explosion came from behind and surprised him.

 "Jaehyun-hyung! Where were you?"

Jaehyun groaned and pointed at Johnny and Mark's previous spot, "Helped Johnny shut Mark up." He then threw explosion. "Hyuck! Woo! Hurry up!"

"Did you perhaps kill him?" Donghyuck asked under his breath while running. The older man just rolled his eyes, and the three got to the door where Yuta and Taeyong cleared.

"Are you sure they're here?" Johnny whispered while crouching down.

[Yup. There's an elevator not far away from you. Push all the buttons on my signal. I'll hack it on the way.]

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