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A loud siren of security alarm echoed throughout the Neo House, making the boys throw their own businesses aside and gather in the living room with weapons in hand.

Taeyong rushed to the media room, seeing Doyoung tapping the keyboard at a faster pace, both eyes busy looking back and forth to the three screens in front of him.

"What is it?" the leader approached, and the younger man had his breath heavy.

"Someone attacked our security."

"Any threats around the area?"

Doyoung zoomed in on the area map and observed for a minute, "No one."

"It's a hack then."

Taeyong pushed his earpiece. "Johnny, tell them to split into teams. Send 127 outside and Dream to guard inside. Have Mark lead Dream and Donghyuck guard Renjun."

[Taeil and Jungwoo?]

"Taeil to Renjun, Jungwoo with 127"

[On it]

"Any other threats?"

"They sent a code. I should find it out now."

"Alright, I'll go with 127. Tell me once you find out."

The younger man hummed in response, still continuing to crack the code and find out who's behind the attack.

It was a cloudy afternoon, with dark clouds coming in as the teachers dismissed them early at 4 p.m.

Aeri walked down the stairs alone to the lockers, spotting a guy leaning on her own.

With a raised brow, she stood in front of him and said, "Excuse me."

The guy tilted his head up to look at her. "Who are you?"

"Who are you?" she asked back.

The guy left out an airy chuckle and leaned forward, but she didn't budge. "I'm Bang Chan."

She flashed a fake smile and motioned for him to step aside, but he just stayed, still leaning in. "What do you want?"


"Oh wow, sorry, I'm taken." Aeri stepped aside and pushed him aside.

She successfully opened her locker and placed all her books, closing it right after just to see Chan grinning at her. She rolled her eyes. 

"Don't be too whipped, darling, you can't break my relationship with foods." Aeri tapped his jaw twice with a fake smile and walked away, making sure to bump his shoulder.

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