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Aeri bit her lower lip, puffing her cheeks just to control the laughs coming out of her mouth.

 Jaemin threw a soul-piercing glare, hissing here and there when the cotton accidentally dabbed on the exact cut.

"Aeri, can you help me cook, please?" Jaehyun asked with his head peeking through the medic room door.

Aeri sent a last look at the blue-haired man and blew a kiss before skipping out of the room.

"That brat," Jaemin groaned and hissed for the nth time already.

"What really happened, though?" Mark asked, leaning against the wall with arms crossed.

"Well, that damn Lee fucking Aeri pushed my buttons, then we fought."

"And you lost? Damn, I wanna request a round two," Renjun said with a weak voice.

"Don't get me started, Huang; I might bring you to coma again."

Taeil tightened the bandage, making him scream in pain. The older man just mouthed an apology and tapped his shoulder. "Train more, hm?"


Taeil just laughed and walked out of the room.

"By the way, guys, what exactly did I miss?"

"Hmm, just a few small missions, which isn't a big deal. Aeri's endless fights with random people, Taeyong getting wrinkles because of her, and the training earlier," Mark answered with a smile and approached Renjun's bed. "We're really worried, Ren."

The said boy chuckled and leaned his head back on the pillow that was placed on the headboard. "I can actually hear faint noises in the isolation room, but I still can't move."

"Of course, idiot, you're in a coma." Jaemin commented

"You literally lost on a girl who doesn't have proper training, so who's the idiot now?" Renjun spat back with a glare.

Jaemin clicked his tongue and jumped off the bed. "I'm eating dinner. I'll just tell somebody to bring up foods for you two."

"I love you too, Jaem," Mark said, and the younger man just faked a smile and rose his middle finger up.

All the boys (except Mark and Renjun) with Aeri are now settled on the huge rectangular table, just having their usual dinner, which looked like a feast because of the numerous foods displayed.

Renjun actually woke up at mid-afternoon, causing the boys to immediately crowd the room and check him up. It was really a long ride for the boy; although he's still weak, he's trying hard to strengthen up with small steps.

As for Jaemin, he's still in pure shock. Aeri's swift knife skills made him question his training himself. Yes, he's mad, but not for her. It's his pride, and he can't believe that he just got slashed in the forearm.

"How's your cut, Jaemin?" Taeyong asked between the random talks.

"Very fine," he answered, flashing a fake smile.

Johnny chuckled. "I'm so proud of Aeri, my child."

"Since when is she your daughter?" Jaehyun asked with a raised brow.

"Aeri is my daughter." Yuta added.

"No, she's my child." Donghyuck

"I suddenly have many fathers." Aeri said.

Taeyong chuckled and placed his pork cutlets on the girl. "My prize for taking down Jaemin."

"Jaemin is getting mad." Jeno teased.

"I told you to tell your tall shit friend to train harder so he can beat my classy ass."

"Language, young lady." Taeyong sternly said, but the girl just showed a sheepish smile and winked at Jaemin, who's still glaring at her.

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