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Aeri looked up, seeing Taeyong.


The older man sat beside her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..I guess?"

"Mhm, care to share?"

Aeri took a deep sigh and buried her head on her folded arms, resting on top of her knees. "I was just worried, that's all."


Her heart skipped a beat and snapped a look on him. Taeyong chuckled and smiled at her.

"Do you like him?"

"Why are you"

"Oh, c'mon, I saw how you looked at him earlier. Don't worry, Taeil said there's no fractures."

"But he looks so bad."

Taeyong heaved a sigh and nodded. "It's a trap."


"SKZ raided a police station, but we didn't know that station was already owned by them. They put up an act, and eventually, being such heroes, the Dream came to stop them."

"The media?"

"They interfered obviously; that's why we can't get a hold of them. They set a trick for us to know that the games are starting."

Aeri nodded and bit her lower lip. "Yong.."


"Can I like him?"

Taeyong chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Of course you can, but how did it happen, though?"

Her lips slowly pulled a small smile. "He's just being real to me, and I can see myself in him too."

Aeri carefully opened the door to the medical room and walked silently to the occupied bed.

She immediately saw his sleeping figure, and her lips immediately pulled out a smile.

Aeri sat on the chair next to his and observed his peaceful face.

He really looks beautiful. His blue hair just adds to his unrealistic beauty.

She was about to stand up and leave him to sleep, but he suddenly fluttered his eyes open, and their eyes directly met.

"H-hi," Aeri awkwardly greeted

Jaemin slowly smiled. "Were you worried?"

Because there's no need to deny it, she immediately nodded. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore, and I can't feel my leg."

Her eyes trailed to his right leg and back to his face. "Yeah, you got shot."

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