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The dim morning sky greeted Aeri as she woke up. The curtains are already open, and Taeyong isn't there.

whenever she'll stay for the night, Aeri is always sleeping beside her brother, courtesy of the older to protect her and let her stay away from the other boys. Who knows what will happen at night?

After a shower that turned out to be quick because of her concerns about her wound, Aeri rummaged through Taeyong's wardrobe, slipping into a blue hoodie and shorts that have an adjustable garter.

Aeri then walked directly downstairs, seeing just two boys walking around.

"Oh, you're awake," said Doyoung.

"Hi Doyoung, and Jaehyun." she waved at them with a smile

"Yeah, you should be sleeping at this early hour," Jaehyun said.

The girl shrugged and glanced at the wall clock. "It's 7 a.m."

"Well yeah, I gotta go. I need to train."

"Oh, wait, have you seen Taeil or Jungwoo around? I need to change the bandages."

"Oh, right, I forgot, wait here." Doyoung jogged somewhere

Jaehyun looked at her in worry. "Is it still painful?"

"Yeah. .honestly"

The older man then hugged her warmly, being extra careful not to touch her wound, so he wrapped his arms around her waist and said, "You should've been more careful."

"I am. It's just that my body has been exhausted these past few days plus school, and the incident was so sudden that I'm not completely ready to fight."

Jaehyun pulled away and cupped her cheeks, brushing his thumbs on her smooth skin. "We'll teach you to be better.. and I know you can beat asses faster soon," they both chuckled.

"Who's looking for me?" Taeil's voice echoed, and Aeri looked in his direction with a beaming smile.

"We'll be underground" Jaehyun said, and the girl nodded.

Aeri finally took the last step down the underground training room, and her eyes immediately wandered around.

She hasn't come down here for months now, and there's been some change.

The boxing ring seemed wider, the archery spot is now covered, and the karate mats changed.

Johnny's loud, deep groan caught her attention, making her chuckle as she reached the boxing ring.

"You two look hot with those sweats."

Johnny and Jaehyun gave her a weird look between heavy breaths.

"Why are you up?" Johnny asked while wiping his sweaty face with a towel.

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