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It was the same night when Aeri once again walked through the dim, quiet road, having the moment of her life at a slow pace.

The air is chilly at night, so she might as well take the opportunity to hug it and forget the painful struggle of the heat hours before.

It took her a 30-minute walk to the convenience store, which is closed. The 'under construction' hanging as the sign.

Aeri sighed; memories of the knife-cut made her shiver. She shrugged it off and settled on the chairs outside the store—at least they didn't take off the chairs.

"Are you perhaps waiting for another fight?" A raspy voice made her shriek and flinch in shock as she felt her heart race at the sudden attack.

A chuckle then came after, and a guy finally stepped out of the darkness. The dim streetlights illuminated his figure, and Aeri could just sigh in relief.

"You scared me."

"Oh wow, now you're scared" the guy shrugged and looked around.

Silence hit them.

Aeri is just staring blankly out of nowhere, making Jaemin stare at her confusedly, thinking of what is going on inside her head.

The defeaning silence lasted more minutes, which made him grow bored and ruffle his hair in irritation.

"Hey you"

The girl just looked at him with a raised brow. 

"Can you go home now? You make me uncomfortable."

Aeri scoffed a laugh and pointed at herself, "Me? You're seriously blaming me right now? Then what the fuck are you doing here in the first place?"

Well, that's a big question.

Jaemin then cleared his throat and looked away. "Just took a drive."

The girl looked around and saw a familiar blue car that was parked not too far away from them. "Why here out of all places?"

"Because I want to."

"Convincing. I'm amused." she sarcastically replied.

"If you think I'm here to look out for you, then better stop."

"Bold of you to say that I'm thinking about you watching me," she cut off, making him scoff and cross his arms.

"Just wanting to make sure."

"Sure," she lazily hummed.

After a good ten minutes of silence, Aeri stood up and forcefully sighed.

"I'm going home." She mumbled and ran.

Jaemin can just stare at her running figure until she's out of sight.

With a deep sigh, he turned back to the closed store, looking around and roaming around with busy eyes, trying to find more little things that could possibly lead them to Jet.

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