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13 boys gathered in the meeting hall, along with Aeri, who's seated between Taeyong and Johnny.

The hall is dead silent, with no one wanting to make a single noise. Taeyong shut his eyes tightly for a few seconds and stood up.

The sound of the metal chair scraping back caught their attention, and their eyes were now focused in front.

"You see, someone tried to hack our security. Good thing Doyoung was fast enough to block it. Even though they sent five threats with different codes, we managed to dodge it all."

They all nodded.

"Doyoung is still working to crack the main code they sent. We assumed that it's treasure because of their bold spies and attacks, but the traces are different." Taeyong paused and looked at Johnny with a worried look. "They're back." he added.

Most of the boys shared a look like they knew who it was.

"Aeri got a call from someone. They knew her real name."

"Lee Aeri?" Mark asked in shock.

"But we got rid of it." Donghyuck said.

"He told me that I should run before he'll get me. I have that record, though.", Aeri explained

"Thanks to the record, we managed to trace and compare the voices, and I'm pretty sure it's them."

"Who?" Aeri asked, looking up at her brother.

"Stray Kids"

Their eyes widened and murmurs revealed themselves, mostly saying that they had already defeated them and that the gang had already stepped down years ago.

"The necklace that Aeri got is from them." Johnny said.

"Wait, that black dia? It actually has a purpose."

Taeyong looked down at her, nodding with a small smile. "You did great."

"It was a hired hitman who attacked you. If Jaemin didn't showed up, you're probably... you know." Johnny trailed off

Aeri gasped and hit Johnny's arm. "You don't have to say that so obvious."

"Well that's true.", Jaemin spoke

Aeri looked across from her and met Jaemin's eyes in coincidence. He raised a brow and showed a victorious smirk, like he won a bet on who's more powerful. She rolled her eyes and went back to look at the two leaders back and forth.

"So what's inside the dia?"

"Inside was a chip that should be cracked with a code. Doyoung assumed that it's some kind of database where all their information as well as their target information were. By now, Doyoung is still working on it with some help from Chenle's connections."

Aeri nodded and looked down, playing with her own fingers.

"I'll also be more relieved if you'll stay in the house until we solve this until the end."

"Are you sure you won't?" Taeyong once again asked along the way to the parking lot.

Aeri sighed and hugged him for a few seconds. "I'll be fine, I promise.. if something goes wrong, I'll run here immediately."

The older man sighed in defeat and nodded. "Okay, you have the gun and dagger with you."


"Drive her safe, Jaem," Taeyong said, and the boy nodded.

Aeri got on the front seat and slid the window open, waving her brother good bye.

Jaemin nodded at taeyong before driving off the parking lot.

The drive went quiet and chilly for a few minutes. Jaemin is just not taking his gaze off the road while Aeri has her eyes outside the window.

"Did you crash your phone?", Jaemin asked, breaking the silence

"Hm? Oh yeah."

Then silence hit them once again.



"Did you get a scar?"

The boy glanced at her for a second and shook his head. "Not that deep."

"Sorry then"

He let out a small chuckle. "I'll better train harder so I can beat you."

"Let's train together then!"

Her sudden beam made him look at her for quite a few seconds before turning back with a small smile. "If you insist."

As expected of Na Jaemin, the ride just lasted 15 minutes.

They both stepped out, with Jaemin leaning on the car door while Aeri stood in front of him.

"I just want to thank you for the not-so-safe ride."

He chuckled, "I thought you liked speed."

"I do. Go ahead."

"I'll see you in first."

The girl nodded and walked to the front door, unlocking it. "You can go now."

Jaemin nodded and hopped on the driver's seat with his window open.

Aeri waved goodbye with a small smile and got inside, closing the door right after.

Jaemin just stayed for another five minutes, making sure that it was safe.

Finally, a peaceful conversation

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Finally, a peaceful conversation

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