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It was three days after the incident, and Jaemin was recovering quickly, but Renjun still isn't. He's still unconscious, making the others worried. It was the first time for Renjun to not wake up after the fights in such a long span of time.

It was three days, but the incident is still fresh for Aeri. The adrenaline lingering on her nerves from her past fights is still there, but instead of getting traumatized, she's looking for it.

She's now currently walking to the school with Mark, talking some random shit here and there until they separated to each other's building.

The sound of the bell rang in the students' ears like the sweetest music ever.

Aeri fastened her pace on fixing her bag, finally stood up, and stormed out of her classroom.

"Oh Naih–"

"Thank God you're okay!" the younger threw herself to her, making her lightly stumble until she regained her balance.

"Okay?" Aeri awkwardly patted the younger's back, and Naih pulled away not long after.

"I'm sorry; if I knew it was Treasure, then I wouldn't have been."

"Oh, come on, it's already been three days! I'm perfectly fine."

Naih pouted, and Jisung chuckled, snaking an arm to his girlfriend's waist. "I told you, noona knows how to fight."

"But she hasn't received proper training like us."

Aeri smiled at the sight of the couple, Jisung whispering comforting words while Naih was still nagging about how dangerous it was.

"Ehem coming through."

Aeri's eyes widened at the familiar sight of a black-haired boy, separating the couple away. "Chenle!"

"Hehe, hi noona," Chenle rubbed his nape shyly.

"Wow, Zhong, you finally continued your studies," Naih said nonchalantly.

"Shut up, Lim," the boy hissed and turned to Aeri again. "By the way, noona, we're going to the arcade. Come with us."

"Oh my, I forgot.. yeah noona, come with us," Jisung said with a beaming smile.

But instead Aeri shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, I need to get home before the skies get darker."

The three pouted and nodded in sync, making Aeri coo at the adorable sight.

"How about we walk you home, noona?"

"No, Ji, it's okay. You better go and enjoy. I can handle myself."

Naih once again hugged her and pulled away not long after. "You're literally two years older than me, but I still want to take care of you like a little sister, so please be safe."

Aeri chuckled and patted her head. "Okay, Naih-eonnie"

They all laughed and went out of the school together, then separated afterwards.

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