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Aeri got past the back door of her classroom, directly slumping on her seat, and dropped her head to her folded arms.

The skies haven't given her a sign of luck since she woke up.

Donghyuck and Renjun's nonstop bickering woke her up on the dead morning of 5, even though she should wake up at 7. Since their voices hadn't died down, she kicked Taeyong hard on his leg to wake him up and scold the two, but when he stepped out, he eventually joined the quarrel session.

She had a battle with the wild oil flicking on her, causing burns on her hand.

She slipped on the living room floor because Jisung forgot to wipe the cola that'd been spilled because he accidentally knocked on the open bottle while walking.

And lastly, since Taeyong's car was being fixed and the boys who have cars are still asleep, Aeri and Mark were forced to walk.

And now here she is, taking the early opportunity to sleep.

..or not

A knock on her desk caused her tiredness to go away.

"What the fuck do you want?" Aeri spat the moment she lazily pushed herself up.

The only long blonde-haired boy named Hwang Hyunjin just threw the sweetest smile: "good morning aeri"

The said girl groaned and dropped her head again, hand shooing him off.

He deeply chuckled and poked her head continuously; maximum irritation running through her nerves.

Aeri sat up and held his finger, twisting it, making him welp in pain.

"Let go! Fuck sorry, ok, damn, don't break my finger!"

Aeri harshly let go and threw a soul-piercing glare, her blank, stoic eyes narrowing into his pained expression that's aiding his throbbing finger.

"You psycho," he mumbled, and she scoffed.

"Have respect for a tired girl, will you?"

Her deadpan voice made him look up, meeting her eyes.

Hyunjin wore a sly smirk and leaned closer to her face, tilting his head. "Tell your brother we're coming soon," he whispered in her ear.

Goosebumps filled her skin as he leaned away and walked back to his seat without turning back.

Aeri narrowed her eyes on the boy's back, seeing some sort of letter hiding behind his long hair.

Hyunjin lightly tilted his head to the right, and she clearly saw the 'z'.



A sudden call from Mark alarmed Taeyong as he sat chill on his swivel chair.


[Listen, Aeri told me that Hyunjin told her that they're coming soon.]

"Did he touch her?"

[She said he annoyed her while she's trying to sleep, and she twisted his finger, that's all.]

Taeyong snorted and shook his head in amusement.

"Lee Aeri, really?"

[So what should we do? ]

"Just go home right after class."


Mark then dropped the call.

He was about to stand up when the door opened, revealing Jaemin in an eye patch.

"What happened?" Taeyong asked, raising a brow.

"It got irritated.. Taeil-hyung said it's better to keep it close." Jaemin shrugged and placed a red folder on his desk. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but your voices are loud enough."

The older man rolled his eyes and opened the folder containing stray kids' profiles.

"It says that Bang Chan and Hyunjin are really in Tantiana as students; the others are still undercover. I still have no idea if they're still 9 or not."

"So you really did spy on them, huh?"

"Yuta-hyung did."

"That Japanese who came from a manga... anyways, call two more companies; we're getting Aeri's things on the house."

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