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A week passed by in a blur; Aeri and Mark had eventually and officially stopped college.

Although Jisung and Chenle are still continuing, for the sake of being responsible middle school graduating students, they're still active in most of the missions.

The week passed by with the members all training and doing small missions.

Aeri is currently standing in the backyard, her eyes darting at her new customized dagger with her engraved initials, L.A.R.

She tore off her gaze when she heard a sudden, loud crack in the woods, like someone had stepped on a stem or something.

Aeri stabilized her stance, her hands gripping on her dagger tightening as she looked around, trying to use her senses more.

The place ran through a defecating silence. stepping back, step after another, she pressed her earpiece. 

"Guys? I think someone's in raid."

A click of the gun made her snap back again, and a loud, roaring gunshot filled her ears.

"Shit," she said, then grabbed her gun from her waistband while running to the nearest thick bush, as she was sure that running inside the house would just get her killed by the showering bullets.

"Back-up! Fuck!" she whispered and controlled her breath, running footsteps and trap explosions from the woods.

[Aeri, stay there!] Taeyong's voice filled the other line.

"Taeyong I- aahh!"

The man tightened his grip on her forearm as he pulled her up. "I got her," he said through his earpiece, and she swore he sounded familiar.

Aeri didn't waste a second to slash her dagger to his ribs, causing him to scream in pain, but a hard slap came to her cheek right after.

"Lee Aeri!"

"Let me go."

"Nope, princess" he smirked and yanked the dagger off her grip, dropping it.

Four masked men showed up on the scene, having gun fights with other NCT members.

"Who the fuck are you?"

But instead, the man hit her head with his gun, and everything went black.

"They're getting away!" Doyoung shouted, and the others internally panicked, Taeyong's angry shouts and scolding making them tensed more.

The fight ceased with Yuta's last shot, taking a fifth man down.

[It's SKZ] Chenle said on the other line

"Fuck," Jaemin mumbled, clutching his hair in frustration.

Taeyong's phone rang in the middle of calming himself.

+8086 *** ****

He pressed the answer button without hesitation and placed it in his ear.

"Fuck you" He immediately said that, causing the man from the other line to laugh.

[You knew already]

"Fuck you, where's Aeri?"

[You curse too much.]

"Yeah, fuck you."

A laugh was heard, and faint sounds filled the line.

[Chan, we got her]

[Sure you do]

"Bang Chan!"

[Okay, woah, easy.]

"You want me to come, aren't you?"

[Nice catch. Bring the necklace with you.]

"Yeah, sure, coolio."

[And, oh, no dirty tricks, alright? I want you to hand it to me, safe and sound. I'll trade your princess for you.]

"She ain't a thing to be traded."

[Yeah, text you the address. You have until 7 p.m. and fuck you too.]

The call dropped, and Taeyong could just yell in anger.


"I'm going"

"Hell no"

"Hell yes, Johnny!" He then stormed to the media room and grabbed the dia from Doyoung's desk.


"I have backup," he cut off and walked directly to the parking lot, ignoring the others.

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