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"Ahh bit -oh hyung"

Jaemin raised a brow, and the younger just showed a sheepish smile and dropped his phone.

"Yes, hyung?"


Jisung narrowed his eyes on him and hummed like he was thinking, "It's unusual for you to go to bed in.." He paused and looked at his wristwatch. "9 p.m."

Jaemin groaned and slumped himself on his bed. "I don't know either."

The younger giggled and jumped out of his bed, waddling his way to the other's, and plopped on the floor.

Jaemin's brows furrowed and he looked at the side, seeing him staring with googly eyes and an excited smile. "What's gotten into you?"

"I'm all ears."


"I can feel that you need someone to talk to."

"Oh, now you listen?"

"Shh, hyung, it's okay. I will intently listen to you."

Jisung kept his eyes darting toward the older man, with sincere sparkly eyes and a hint of willingness.

"Let me guess... you have a friendly fight with Jeno-hyung?"

"Why would we be?"

"Then.. Taeyong-hyung scolded you?"


"Chenle annoyed you?"


"Ah!" he snapped his fingers. "Aeri noona."

Jaemin's brow raised, and Jisung can just happily clap like he guessed the most mysterious secret: "You lost on her again."

"Ugh, I didn't"


"Never mind"

"Ehhh, hyung!" he whined, and Jaemin could just sigh

"I think I like her."

"Oh, you pfft," he snorted and laughed, "you dense people."


"It's okay, hyung, your secret is safe with me."

"No, not like like, but like just-"

"Shh, hyung, don't make it hard for yourself, aye? It's fine; it's normal. I get it. I felt that first with Naih too." Jisung cut him off.

"I mean, I just like how brave she can be, like, how skilled she can be, you know."

"Pfft, duh, hyung any boys out there will definitely fall for her just seeing her all badass, trust me, I felt that in Naih too."

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