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It was a mess.

The training ground is rather chaotic than serious, but still, it was half productive.

Jisung and Chenle chased each other around the maze with gun lasers, shooting and beating each other.

Johnny and Jaehyun are betting on who is stronger at punching.

Yuta, Mark, Donghyuck, and Jeno were challenged on who could take down more targets in just one minute.

Taeil, Jungwoo, and Doyoung received special training from Taeyong.

Jaemin and Renjun are getting serious about knives.

Meanwhile, Aeri got out of the archery room, walking around the place while her eyes wandered on what's good.

"Hey Aeri"

She turned to see Jaehyun walking towards her. "Ew sweaty"

The guy scoffed and brushed his hair up. "Girl, I'm still hot either way."

I mean, where's the lie?

Aeri just rolled her eyes and dove from the ropes to get in the ring.

"Are you up for a round?" Johnny asked while wiping his sweat.

"Maybe.. maybe not" she shrugged and put some bands on her wrist.

Jaehyun entered not long after and winked.

The girl lightly laughed and tied her hair into a ponytail, then quickly warmed up—just the basic ones.

"Remember to remain in eye contact," Jaehyun reminded himself and positioned himself.

Aeri nodded and conditioned herself, taking a deep sigh and advancing after Jaehyun nodded.

"What's happening?" Jeno asked.

"Oh, that? It's normal." Johnny answered while chuckling.

The boys who got tired of playing with guns gathered around the ring and watched how Jaehyun and Aeri were neck-to-neck in hand combat.

Aeri elbowed his rib and swung her leg to his feet, causing him to slip and drop.

Jaehyun deeply groaned and stood up when she backed away.

"Aeri's good." Renjun commneted


Jaemin had his eyes dart to her, seeing her strength and reflexes mixing in.

Renjun glanced at the boy beside him and snickered, "Star struck?"

The younger boy hissed and went to the other boys, who's now cheering and betting on who will win.

"I can't believe Aeri improved that much," Yuta exclaimed.

"She learned from the best." Mark nudged and cheered proudly.

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