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The sun is up, and the sun rays peeking through the white blinds caused the girl to lightly squirm.

A minty, manly scent lingered on her nose as she snuggled closer to the person she was aware of.

The sweet sounds of birds chirping filled her ears, and above all, a high-pitched scream

Both Jaemin and Aeri shot up, their tired, droopy eyes snapping open to the world as it darted to the opened door.

Jaemin groaned and slumped back to the bed, covering his eyes with his arm.

The girl chuckled and kissed his arm, causing him to uncover and squint his eyes at her.

"Wake up," she said, and he whined, "You don't want them to see you all in glory on my bed, hm?"

"Ugh, damn you, Aeri," he hoarsely said and slowly sat up with a yawn, back facing her.

"I love you too," she mockingly said, rolling his eyes.

Jaemin's eyes widened, and the three words he swore that he accidentally blurted last night haunted him.

"I love you."

A defecating dolphin scream made the boys jolt up and run around.

Their eyes darted at Jaemin, who's walking out of Aeri's room, and their lips pulled a grin.

The boy rolled his eyes and stepped into their room, which is just beside hers, ignoring their teasing.

Aeri's eyes darted on Taeyong's laptop, scrolling and reading through SKZ's information.

Jaehyun entered Taeyong's office, chuckling at the sight of the girl being so focused.

"What's the matter, boss?" he playfully asked.

"Yeah, Jaehyun, can you do me a favor and kill Chan tonight?" she answered with a bossy attitude, causing the guy to laugh and ruffle her hair.

"You're the leader now?"

Aeri just giggled and pointed at the screen. "This is their main headquarters, right?"

"Yup, it is."

"Hey, Jae"


"I want to kill SKZ."

Jaehyun raised a brow, and she sighed.

"I want to put an end to Taeyong's plan. Do you think we can do it?"

"You mean you want to advance?"

Aeri slowly nodded and pouted, "Taeyong is unconscious. We don't know when he'll wake up. It says that Chan actually planned on bringing the leader down first so that it will be easier to attack the members, and he really did that, Jae. If we'll be late, any minute from now they're might be planning something more dangerous now that Taeyong is missing out."

"And how can you do that?"

"I'm their primary target, right? Then I'll go. I can take a leader with me too. I will try to negotiate with Hyunjin."

"We better consult this with others."

"Taeyong will kill us if something happens to you, Aeri." Johnny showed up behind the doors and walked behind Jaehyun. "Whatever you're planning, I oppose."

"Please John–"



Johnny's breath hitched at the sudden attack of the only word they've been dying to hear from her.

Jaehyun snorted and shook his head. "Aeri's counterattack," he mumbled.

"You're with me, right?"

Johnny heaved a sigh and turned the laptop to him as he examined the maps.

Aeri left out a lopsided grin and looked at Jaehyun, who just winked at her.

"Taeyong will kill me for this."

"Oh, he won't; he'll be proud of you," she said, earning a glare from the older

"I'll talk to Mark about this. He's a unit leader too," he said, turning to Jaehyun. "Call for training."

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