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Physical Appearance:

The Promise: Dark brown; Kept it as short as the time she had it in the Fire book. (Book three)

The Search: Dark brown; Hair reaches mid-back keeps it in a ponytail (picture on top)

Smoke and Shadow: Dark brown; her hair reaches her lower-back and is half up and half down with a bun and her bangs out while two hair loopies connect to the bun. (she wears it this way when they get married in the future.)

North and South: Original hair style from Book one. (Longer)

Eye Color: Blue

Skin: Brown

Markings: Freckles over cheeks and nose.

Biographical Information:

Nationality: Southern Water Tribe

Ethnicity: Water Tribe

The Promise: 16-17
The Search: 17
The Rift:17
The smoke and shadow: 17-18
North and South: 18
(In all honesty I don't actually know how the aging is really but yeah here, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. *remeber I made Sokka one year older so he would be Zuko's age and Katara was still 14 in the first book.)

Born: 84 AG

Personal Information:

Love intrest: Zuko. Just Zuko!

Profession: Waterbender, Healer.

Affiliations: The Southen Water Tribe. Team Avatar.


·I do not own any part of the Atla what so ever and I don't claim too.

·READ BOOKS 1-3 also read the original comics. You can find them on youtube or just buy the comics. They are pricey but worth it. (You don't have to read them but I suggest it.)

·I only on came up with Kaida (not the art) and the changes in the story that I made. That's not to say I own the characters.

·Also I do not own any of the art or things that are used in the story.

·Most of them are Zutara art so yeah. These people are very talented.

Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy. :-)

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