Day 2 Bus Adventure: Worcester Tech

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I wasn't planning on waking up really early and I had a hard time sleeping lasting night. I woke up at 8:00. I had texted Ginny and she asked if I could still come to In-house coffee. I had originally told her last night that after that day I didn't feel like it anymore but now I felt bad so I decided to leave. I took the bus and Ginny got on when we got to her stop and we talked about yesterday. She understand that Jeff might need a break from her. I think there is still hope for her to be better. I accept her for how she is and I don't expect her to change in anyway but I want to encourage her to work on these areas she has a hard time in. I told her that I promised we can go on our own bus adventure and I will have her to plan everything out to accommodate her.  When we got to the hub, bus 15 was right there so we went on and went to In-house coffee. We got there a few minutes before 10:00. 

Wanda was there and we talked. I explained that Jeff couldn't make it for 10:00 and that I'll hang out with him afterwords. I explain that he needs some space from Ginny. Then Anna and Maria came and we all talked. Anna told me that it's ok that Jeff needs space because that is normal which made me feel a little better. I know I am often in the middle whenever Rachel or Ashley are annoyed with each other but this is even worst. To be honest how Ginny acted yesterday, I don't think of Rachel and Ashley would meet her, they wouldn't like her. I hate feeling this way because Ginny is a good person and she have been a good friend to me but for whatever reason she's not a good friend to Jeff. I couldn't help but to see how she is around me, around her boyfriend, and today around Wanda, Anna, and Maria. She acts differently around all of us then she is around Jeff and that needs to get better. When they left I waited with Ginny until her bus got there and she went on. She texted me that she missed me already and I told her I do too with an emuji of me with a tear. She said "Aww your sweet." 

Jeff was 21 minutes late which was worst then how he was 5 minutes late yesterday. That wasn't a big deal to me like it was for Ginny. When Jeff had gotten there we talked about yesterday and how I feel about it and my talk with Ginny. I encourage him not to completely cut her out of his life and to not give up on her. I told him that it's ok to take some space but it's not just her that needs to work on things. He needs to too and he understood that. I told him that I hope that we will all hang out on my birthday but I don't expect it. Whenever he is ready to hang out with both me and Ginny. I try to make sure he understand that I am not forcing him to do anything. I also tried to get him understand better about Ginny's Autism because saying that how she act isn't because of her autism sound uneducated and I wanted to make sure he understand. After our conversation he cried a little but in a good way because he appreciated what I was saying to him and that he called me a good friend. I told him I am still learning and he said me too. Ginny is learning too. I told him that I am here to guide him through the stuff he needs to work on and I'll do the same for Ginny. I don't believe in giving up on a friend and I let him know that. 

We got to the hub and we took the bus 24A which goes to my high school Worcester Tech. When we got to our destination we went to the school and I told him a few memories I have from there. I still miss it. We did a lot of working around and talking. It was better then yesterday. Then we walked back to the hub which wasn't really that far from where we were at. I don't care that he is 51. To me there is no age on friendship. I could be friends with anyone and it doesn't matter to me that they are a lot older then me. There is nothing wrong with that. I like hanging out with him and I hope someday we can all hang out again. Then I took the bus back home. 

Tomorrow will be another bus adventure. 

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