No boyfriends until you're 16

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Candice wondered though her house in her little mermaid pyjamas. She soon found herself in the living room where her mum and dad were sat giggling together. Candice walked over to them and sat between them both snuggling into her dads side.

She was definitely a daddy's girl without a doubt. Joe had been extremely over protective these last 5 years since becoming a dad and it brought him closer to his little girl. She was once this tiny baby in his arms and now she was 5 years old and in her first year at school. She had made a few friends and one boy she always played with at lunchtime was called jack. Like candice he was 5 and had just started school.

"Daddy, are you mummy's boyfriend?"
Candice asked her dad

"I was once, but now were married. "
Joe told his daughter

"I have a boyfriend daddy"
Candice giggled and joe gasped. He knew it was obviously just something silly as they were only five but he was super overprotective and it worried him.

"Who's your boyfriend?"
He asked her

Candice smiled as her cheeks went red from finding it funny.

"Candice, no boyfriends until your 16."
Joe told her 

"But daddy I love him lots and lots like jelly tots "
Candice clapped her hands together to try and persuade joe into letting her having a boyfriend.

"But no boyfriends, or kissing boys until your 16. Until then daddy's got you all to himself. Im the only boy you need candice"
Joe said

"But dadda we kissed in the playground today "
Joe gasped again and candice giggled. Dianne sat back laughing at them both.

"You had your first kiss. Candice Rina Dianne sugg, you are 5 years old"
Joe gasped making her laugh even more

"But daddy it ok though. It was only a little kiss. Not big kisses that you give mummy where you do weird things and putvyour tongue in her mouth "
Candice laughed at him

"Alright Candice that's enough."
Dianne tried to stop laughing

"Do you want dinner now? Mummy will cook your favourite "
Dianne stopped the conversation and Candice got exited hearing that her favourite was being cooked tonight.

They wondered off into the kitchen together to make candices favourite dinner ever together, as a mother and daughter.


Later in in the evening, dianne was taking candice to bed like she did every night. It was a little bit of bonding time they could have together as she was always attached to joe. She tucked candice into her bed and switched the light off leaving the moon night light on because she was scared of the dark.

"Mummy, why cant I have a boyfriend until I'm 16? I want jack to be my boyfriend "
She asked her mum

"You can be jacks girlfriend. Daddy is just really overprotective darling "
Dianne told her

"What does that mean?"

"It means that daddy always wants to look other tou and make sure your ok. He doesn't want anything bad to happen to you because he loves you very very much "
Dianne explained

"Mummy, how old were you when you had your first boyfriend?"
Candice asked

"I was 14, so younger than what your dad said, but we were secretly together. Nobody knew. I snuck this boy through my window so I could see him"
Dianne Told her and candice giggled listening to the story's of her mother when she was younger.

"What's it like having a boyfriend?"
Candice asked her

"Well it really depends on who your boyfriend is. Some of my past relationships weren't very nice at all but with your dad he was an amazing boyfriend. He did everything to make me happy. And he still does. "
Dianne smiled

"How old were you when you and daddy got together?"

"I was 29 and your dad was 27 so we were well over 16 so we were definitely allowed togrther. I didn't have to sneak him in my windows. I did have to sneak him in but not in that way"
Dianne remembered the times where she would secretly take joe to her flat and they'd try not to get caught by paparazzi.

"Having a boyfriend sounds nice because daddy is a good boyfriend "
Candice said

"Yeah, it is nice. It's nice that I've got your dad. When you grow up I hope you meet a boy like him. A boy who treats you the same way your dad treats me "
Dianne smiled and then there was a soft silence between them where they just smiled at eachother and dianne looked into candices big blue eyes.

"Right, you going to go to sleep now "
Dianne said standing up.

"Yes, night night mummy"
Candice giggled as dianne kissed her forehead

"Good night, sleep tight and dont let the bed bugs bite "
Dianne said and candice giggled again.
Dianne moved towards the door walking out and shutting the door behind her. Leaving her little girl to go to sleep on her own.

This ones abit shorter than the rest. I'm running out of ideas so please comment some. I'll credit you if I use yours. Its only letting me get onto you,ne and our crazy mids every so often so chapters of that will still be slow. I'm sorry about this, I cant help it. It's the apps fault and as soon as it gets fixed I'll write some more chapters.
Word count:909

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