Joe had finished up setting up their back garden for a cute home date for his wife. They hadn't gone on a date in a while and tonight they were kid free which meant they had the next day to themselves. He could of taken her to a fancy restaurant, make a big deal about it but he decided to do something much special. They had been together since they were 15 and one thing they loved to do in the summer when they were teenagers was lay lots of pillows and blankets on Joe's old trampoline he used to play on as a child and watch the stars. Now at the age of 24, married for 2 years and 2 children later he wanted to recreate that.
Joe called walking in from the back garden."I'm upstairs joey"
He heard that familiar voice, a faded Australian accent he loved so much. He walked upstairs and into their bedroom. He went up to her and wrapped his arms around her putting his hands on her hips."You okay?"
He kissed her cheek and she smiled. Their love still hadnt died out after 9 years and having kids. They had two children. They had their first boy caden when they were 18 and their girl story at 22 so they were 6 and 2. The kids were inseparable and joe and dianne were too, so they made the perfect little family. People would judge them for being in a relationship in school and having a family too. People from school would always make fun if them saying they would never last, they would make fun of their kids unique names, all sorts but they ignored the haters and proved everyone wrong."Yeah I'm good"
She smiled"I've planned a little something for you"
He told her and she smiled."Are you taking me out somewhere, do I need to get dressed up in something nice?"
Dianne asked him"No, well you need to dress up in your onesie. The ones we have matching"
He told her"Ok, I'll go and find it"
Dianne walked over to her wardrobe picking out the onesie joe told her to wear. Joe changed into his one and diannes changed into hers so they were now matching. They were still soppy like that had matching pyjamas but they didn't care that they were soppy because they were still in love.Once they got changed, joe took diannes hand and walked back down the stairs.
"You need to choose your eyes, I'll lead you to where were going"
He told her. Dianne put on of her hands over her eyes and joe took her into the garden walking her over to their kids trampoline."You can open your eyes now"
Joe told her and dianne looked seeing the trampoline covered in blankets, pillows and fairy lights.
As soon as she saw it she knew what he was trying to do, take her back to the summer when they were 15."Jospeh"
Dianne cooed looking at it."Do you like it?"
He asked"Of course I do, you've literally done exactly what we used to do. It's making me really emotional actually"
Diannes eyes got watery"Awww baby, I'm glad your happy"
Joe wrappee her up in his arms."Are we gonna watch the stars?"
She asked and he nodded making her smile."You still give me butterflies, after all these years."
Dianne told him"You still give me butterflies too. Shall we get up on there and snuggle?"
He said and dianne nodded. They climbed onto the trampoline and layed down under lots of warm blankets and looked up at the stars. It wasn't properly dark yet but it was slowly getting there so they could watch the stars come out. They cuddled up in eachothers arms looking up at the sky."I love you"
Dianne whispred"I love you too, you dont understand how much I mean that either."
Joe whispred back"Still after this long aye"
Dainne giggled"Yeah, but honestly I love you so much. You've given me a family, and that's made my life complete. I always wanted two children and you have them to me so thank you"
He smiled"Your adorable. And you know how you said you always wanted a boy and a girl one of each. "
Dianne started and joe nodded"That's always what I wanted too and it's perfect. I love our little family. Even when it was just me and you I loved it but bringing our two little ones into this world has made it even better."
Dianne smiled"Its cute when you say our little ones, that's adorable"
Joe cooed as dianne ran her hand through his hair."I know, its cute I love that. Remember I always used to call you my little one when we were in school"
Dianne said"Of course I remember, it was the cutest"
"I'm gonna start calling you that again because I've missed it"
Dianne told him and joe smiled"darling, You're the cutest"
He smiled"Do you think caden and story are ok?"
Dianne asked him. Whenever she spent time without her children she would miss them so much. Surprisingly the kids didnt really annoy them that much, they would play games together or just cuddle or play games with her or joe."Of course they are, I bet they're having fun with their nanna"
Tracey had offered to take the two of them to her place for the next day so joe and dianne could have some time to themselves."I just worry about them you know, I hate being away from them. And I worry about story because shes never stayed overnight at your mums"
Dianne told her husband"I'm sure they're ok, mum would call me if there was something wrong, I'm sure of it. Theres nothing to panic about. "
He assured her. Dianne was slightly above joe as she was running her fingers through his hair. She looked down at him staring into his blue eyes. Pressing her lips against his, they kissed eachother passionately. Every time they kissed it was filled with love and passion but something about this kiss was special. They were on their own, under the stars, doing exactly what they did just over nine years ago. Back then they would have little interruptions, zoe playing her music loud in her bedroom and Tracey brining them mugs of suit chocolate but now it was just them.
It was a long passionate but soft kiss and when they separated they just smiled at eachother before softly kissing again."That was nice"
Joe whispered"It was. We haven't kissed like that in ages."
She said"I you"
Joe smiled"Love you too little one"
I got this idea from dla2904 one shot. I asked them if I could use part of their idea from their book and they said yes so thank you for letting me use it. I hope this chapters good. If you haven't already go and check out their one shots. I dont really know them but their books are amazing.
Word count:1200 exactly