Chapter Thirteen

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I finally pulled myself away from the memory looking at the real Azzy who had a tear stains on her cheeks. Without a word i pulled her into my chest and moved down to the next memory, something tell's me this was going to be a long day for her.

The next memory was instant pay back for me for staying at that last snapshot of the past, because jealousy erupted in my chest at the sight. It was Azalea perched on top of some guy smiling and laughing at something he had said but fortunately she reacted well to this memory.

"Kol." She whispered wiping her eyes and watching it play out.

"Won't your friends find out about you fraternizing with the enemy Darling?" The dude spoke, Eugh British great.

"Oh darling i am the enemy." She mocked smirking at the man as she sat upright on his waist. I looked to her next to me to see her fully interested in this thought.

"What makes you think that little witch?" Kol questioned intertwining their hands as he placed a kiss to one of hers.

"Oh you know, my unflinching ability to hate Elena gilbert or maybe my habit of sucking the life out of everyone?" She chuckled and allowed her self to be pulled into the guys chest as he pulled the covers over her very exposed body, i think she was wearing just her underwear and bra but god she pulled it off. I'm sure she could walk like that in the stre- not the time.

"Your their family Azalea, no matter what you might think they will always care for you." He placed a kiss to her head and she sighed.

"I lost my family because of what i am, buts that's okay, because i have a new one. I have you don't i?" She asked looking up into his eyes and he nodded with a smile.

"Always and forever, no matter what you are. Siphoner, vampire, troll." He flipped her so he was on top and she chuckled as he smiled down at her, stupid vampire, trolls don't exist.

"Even if your the villain like you always claim to be, you will always be my best friend Azalea and i will protect you for as long as i can." She smiled planting a kiss on his lips before pulling back and pouting.

"Best friend huh? What a shame because i had something great planned for tonight." She pouted making a move to get up whilst Kol smirked.

"If I'm correct your the one who said i had to lie about us. I would shout it from the rooftops if it meant every one could know you are my girl." She smiled again that light returning to her eyes that had been ripped from the last memory.

"Villains together?" She stuck out her pinkie and he wrapped his around hers.

"You know it." 

I looked away from the memory to my side and thankfully her mood had increased considerably, i had a feeling the next memory would deflate this so i allowed her a moment of peace. She looked to me and nodded so we began moving again and i groaned out loud when it was Kol again. 

"I've considered your request for a truce. Request denied." He spoke with an arm over Azaleas shoulder as he spoke to two people inside a home. Azalea wore a smile as she stood firmly with him. They slammed the door in the twos faces making Kol lash out.

"I'm sorry. I've already been invited in!" He kicked the door down and As Az wolf whistled. He gave a look making her blink at him innocently as they stormed into the house together.

"Hide and seek? Fine by me." Kol spat looking around.

"Oh i love this game." Azalea stepped in picking up a bat from the corner of the room.

"Mind helping me out?" She asked and Kol smiled offering her his hand, she siphoned some of his magic as they ran upstairs together. The brown haired girl slammed the door shut only for Kol to push it open sending the girl flying to the floor. After kicking through some doors they came ot the final one where Kol punched it down. Immediately a stake flew at him.

"Missed." He stated as another shot out, he caught that one as well before the girl started shooting him with wooden bullets, Azalea caught them with magic before they lodged themselves in his chest. The boy ran off as Kol and the brown haired girl fought and Azalea went after him kicking him down the stairs.

"You don't have to do this Azalea, please me and Elena love you." He pleaded, Azalea shook her head.

"No Jeremy, my friends have proven they don't care about me. I have no one if i don't have Kol. And your trying to kill him." She spat bringing the bat up to his throat making him stay still.

"About that arm." Kol joked coming in from fighting Elena before dragging Jeremy down the stairs.

"Anyway i don't fancy the hunters curse so ill just chop it off sorry about the sting, ill heal you with blood after." He brought the meat clever up and i was impressed, looks like Azalea didn't mind guys who weren't all there in the head.

"Which arm is it again?" She asked and Kol shrugged.

"ill just chop off both." Azalea was watching the memory play out bracing herself for what came next. That was Elena rushing in and shoving the knife into Kol's chest as Jeremy got up and sprayed Kol with what I'm guessing is vervain laced water. He screamed and Azalea rushed forward only for Elena to bite her in the neck.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have a choice." Elena threw her into the living room but despite the blood loss she got up on shaky legs.

"Leave her alone!" Kol growled out as Elena threw her brother a stake.

"Jeremy! Now!" He caught it and plunged it into Kol making him scream along with Azalea who was on the verge of losing consciousness as she crawled forward. Kol caught fire in immense pain and she watched as he fell to the floor dying.

Her eyes then moved to a new figure standing outside the house. She let the tears drop in front of him holding her neck. 

"Klaus... The-They killed him." She sobbed out and the man had tears in his eye's. I watched as she finished crawling to the burnt body and let out a cry. All the while Klaus threatening Elena but Azalea paid no mind to it or her impending death. The her big sister rushed in to save.... Elena and Jeremy.

"Invite him in do it." She demanded to Jeremy as she glanced at her sister bleeding out. Not even connecting the dots from Elena's bloody mouth.

"Come in." The hybrid rushed through the house eventually getting trapped in the living room where he pulled Azalea into his grip feeding her his blood.

"I will hunt all of you to your end! Do you hear me? Do you!?" He looked down at Azalea as she healed.

"It's seems they have left you with me little witch." Klaus spoke as he glanced at his brothers body.

"It's okay love I've got you." She cried herself to sleep then, her sister left her and the only person she seemed happy with dead.

Dyad // Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now