Chapter Fourteen

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The real Azalea gripped my arm pulling me to the next memory grumbling under her breath and not making eye contact with me. No wonder she wasn't the nicest person, her memories sucked. Ill just have to give her new ones as soon as we ditch this place. The next memory was a real ego boost for me because i seemed to be the main topic in it. 

It looks like dying made me miss all the fun because after Azzy got out of the initial shock, all hell broke loose. She was fully homicidal chocking out her sister and juice boxing Damon. All for me, and god was it hot. Unfortunately that was all i got to see because she was already tugging me off to the next memory.

Azalea was on the floor in ropes as bonnie and Damon stood over her chanting, finally. I suppose this could have gone a lot faster if i wasn't so invested in the subconscious of Azzy but then again it was like a soap opera in here.

"Phesmotos treebium nasax veras sangunim sequentim onix. Phesmotos treebium nasax veras sangunim sequentim onix." 

I pulled us both out of her memories much to her relief clearly as she stood and sauntered off without another word. The point was we got the spell and now all we needed was magic. That seemed like a problem for tomorrow though because it was dark and i was very hungry. I'm thinking a celebratory meal to finish this victory. Maybe pancakes or- 

Looks like dinner would have to wait because i just heard a very loud shattering of glass and I'm sure our walk inside of Azzy's inner self sent her off the rails a bit. Stomping up stairs i found the culprit drinking a bottle of vodka maybe, possibly Bacardi.

"Az." I started moving forward and she rose a hand.

"This sucks!" she gestured around the room, or world I'm not sure.

 "That's why were trying to get out remember?" She looked at me, or glared I'm not sure.

"For what?! So i can be the hot bennet? Newsflash, I'm not the hot bennet, I'm the neighbour hood abomination!" She took another sip of alcohol and sat up.

"You saw the same memories i did. I'm the problem. Everyone i care about dies!" She pouted after a moment and rose the glass to her lips i took it off her and sighed.

"You want to know what i saw?" I questioned taking a seat next to her and she nodded as if to challenge me and prove her wrong.

"I saw the person you needed most abandoning you every time you needed her." She looked to me with an emotionless expression so i continued.

"You shouldn't rely on someone who has given you no reason to." Bonnie was her family, it must have been hard to hear but it was needed.

"Then who do i have?" She croaked tearing up again, she was just as alone as i was, and yet she was surrounded by people. I don't know which one was worse. I pulled her into my chest and curled up with her on the bed.

"Messed up twins remember?" She chuckled though a cry wrapping her arms around me and drifting off. I wonder if her sister is looking for her now, probably. I don't have the greatest expectations for family but surely it means something to her, and if not then i can give her a new one. A new coven, ill lead the Gemini's and she will be welcome there. A group of witches she can rely on, not just bound by the oath of family but loyalty and unity. 

Yeah ill make it so her purpose isn't the hot bennet but the sexy siphoner of the Gemini's. Where she belongs. 



Waking up the next day was very debateable, i could stay in bed and wallow because technically no one except kai would be able to judge me for it or i could wake up get out of this damn prison world and wallow in the real world. Hmm decisions decisions. However that choice was quickly made as i felt the weight of an arm around my waist. To be honest i don't think I've ever moved so fast.

I was half way across the room before Kai even had time to wake up and out the door in the next moment. A shower sounded perfect right now. So that's exactly what i did. I must have been in there for a good hour before i even thought about getting out but eventually i did. Shit.

"Kaiiiiiii." I groaned slugging into the room in my towel, this stupid fucker.

"When you kidnap someone the least you can do is bring them clothes." I pointed at him with a brow raised as he began waking up blinking slowly. He nodded slowly obviously not knowing what was going on. The fucker soon woke up when he saw what i was wearing.

"Oh i must be dreaming." He sat up shamelessly looking over my body, not like a lot of it was exposed but he really new how to make a girl nervous.

"No its a nightmare if you don't get your ass up and get me some damn clothes." He bit his lip slugging out of bed and grabbing some of his clothes for me to wear, shorts and a very baggy top.

"I'm still not sure, you talk to me like that in my dreams as well. Makes me feel accomplished when i leave you speechless." He smirked as i became very confused, honestly what was he on about now. He must have noticed my confusion as he continued.

"Your all talk to start then i get the tiniest bit close to you and you squirm, then - my favourite bit - i start kissing along you body all the way down.." 

"Enough!" I snatched the clothes from him blushing like a mad man. The worst part was he noticed. I really hated him in this moment, the man has no shame honestly. 

Dyad // Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now