Chapter 1.

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My eyes dart open and I am viewing my ceiling fan whirring around. I sit up, dazed— I had that dream again.

The dream where I am getting ready to walk down the aisle of my wedding and the doors open only to find my groom kissing another bride. Their faces are blurred so I never really know if it's even my groom or my wedding for that matter. Regardless, it always feels personal.

I look at the clock— 6:28 am. I try to lay down and go back to sleep before my alarm goes off at 7:00 am but I can't. The first rehearsal of Hamilton is today and I couldn't be more excited.

It's already great enough that I'll dancing and singing right beside my best friends Sasha and Okieriete, but I'll also be making new friends and memories while doing the thing I love most of all: performing.

After laying on my back thinking of what the day would entail, I hop up and decide to run into Sasha's room to wake her up. I burst in and jump on her bed and say "wake up, it's Hamilton day!"

"Zinyla Monique, are you forreal right now" She groaned as she looked up at me annoyed and also trying to adjust her eyes to the morning sun.

Sasha and I met in college, 2 years ago. I transferred to NYU my senior year of college and she was one of the first people to make me feel at home. The more time we spent together, the more inseparable we became. We live together, audition together, everything. She knows everything about me and vice versa.

"I can't go back to sleep, I'm too excited" though I was so excited I couldn't help but shake this weird feeling I had deep down. It's probably because I dreamt the same dream for the third time.

"I'm excited too, but guess what I can do?"
"Go back to sleep" she muffled and closed her eyes. I rolled my eyes and crawled under the covers, I nudged up against her for comfort. "I had that dream again" I said as I closed my eyes.

"The wedding one? What does that mean?" She mumbled, I could hear her drifting off.
"I don't know, like is it my wedding, am I crashing someone's wedding?" I said.
"I don't know girl, but something is trying to tell you something. Don't ignore it completely"
"yeah.." I laid there thinking for a bit. I hopped out of bed because there was no way I was going back to sleep now. I decided to take a shower along with my morning routine.

I slid the door open to my closet wondering which style I should wear on the first day. I decided to go more girly casual today for first impressions. I threw on some jeans and an oversized distressed sweater. Hoops with gloss and my twist out. Put some black docs on to edge out the look.

I brewed me and sash some coffee, I like my vanilla while she likes her hazelnut. Scrambled some eggs and tossed some snacks in my bag for the day ahead of us. Sash came out looking gorgeous as ever grabbed her eggs and coffee and we we out the door.

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