Chapter 7.

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We were going over the choreography and formations for 'Helpless'. The choreographer, Andy, were pairing partners together based on where our next spot on the stage would be.
"Okay so Zin, I want you to be paired up with Daveed"
He walked up to me, "Hi" he smirked
"Hi." I sheepishly smiled.
I don't really know where we stand or what to think at the moment being that we ended on an unfinished note the other day.. but I do enjoy his presence.

We're learning the partner choreography and Daveed isn't catching on as fast. He always says he can't dance but once he gets the steps down he's a really good dancer. It just takes him a little longer to get the steps.

"Hey, can you stay with me to help me with the dance?" He asked.
"Yeah, no problem."
Rehearsal for 'helpless' ended but Daveed and I stayed back to practice. Walking through it with him slower and adding silly names to the steps helped him get the moves down easier. I spun around and stepped close to him. Our bodies pressed against each other. His hand on my waist while his other hand is holding mine. I felt the electricity shooting between us, it was intense as we just stared into each other's eyes. His eyes read that he was longing for me. Out of no where he just embraced me into a hug. I hugged him back and closed my eyes. He makes me feel so safe the way he hugs me.
"You okay?" I asked
"Yeah. I just— I'm just glad we're here together" he said.
I smiled. "Me too."
He pulled away and kissed me on my forehead.
"And thanks for the help.."
" no problem" I said still smiling.

After lunch, Reneé, Carleigh, Ari, Pippa, Alicia and I were chilling in the green room and talking when Jasmine walked in with sunflowers in her hand.
"Girls.." she called our attention. I looked over and saw the flowers and smiled. Good job Ant.
"Aww!! Who are those from?" I asked curiously, pretending to be clueless.
"They're beautiful!" Carleigh said
"I don't know. There's just a note that says 'seeing you lights up my days brighter than the sun, and you're truly a delicate beauty, my flower.'" She read off the card. She didn't realize but she was smiling from ear to ear while reading it.
The girls in the room squealed.
"Oh my goodness you have a secret admirer, how cute!" Reneé said clapping her hands together.
"I wonder who it is" Pippa said.
"Leslie?" Alicia asked. Everyone pondered for a moment.
"Nahhh" we all said and giggled.
"What about Sydney?!" Pippa exclaimed.
"No its not Sydney" I said.
"How do you know?" Ari asked. Everyone turned their attention to me.
"Ummm" I said thinking quickly, "that just doesn't seem like a Sydney gesture"
The girls agreed. That was close.
"Whoever it is, it's the sweetest thing ever and my heart is so full! No one has ever done for me before!" Jasmine was still staring at her flowers and smelling them. "Well I'm going to put these in some water" she added before walking off.

I pulled out my phone to send Ant a text.

Me: Jas really loves the flowers! She was so excited to show us the card!

Ant Laurens: yes!

Nothing was happening as far as rehearsals go because the crew was working on lighting. I decided to explore again. I walked down halls past dressing rooms. I walked past Lin's dressing room, "we can call it Ham4Ham" I heard him say to someone. What does he have up his sleeve now? I kept walking and went up some stairs. I knew Oak's dressing room was coming up and Sash was probably in there so I decided to go. I walked in the room, threw up my arms and yelled "IF YOURE NAMED AFTER AN TREE MAKE SOME NOISE"

"Woo" Oak said blandly. Sasha cuddling up to him laughed. I dropped my arms, discouraged and not fulfilled.
"You suck dude" I said as I walked over and sat in a chair.
"Sooooo" Sasha said sitting up.
"Sooo?" I said back.
"Oak and I were thinking about having a little get together tonight at our place. And well... Oak invited Daveed"

"Oh.. okay cool" I said. I played cool on the outside but my heart was racing.
"You're fine with that?" Oak asked.
"Yeah I don't have a problem with it"

Later that night, I showered and threw on some leggings and a 'Wicked' tank top. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and threw on my spongebob slippers. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of wine. Sasha was fixing a cheese platter when I swiped a grape off the plate.
"Okay so be real.." I said to Sash as I plopped the grape into my mouth, "you guys set this up on purpose" I narrowed my eyes

"No, we just genuinely wanted to have a get together"
"At our house? And invite my..." I didn't know what to call him.
Sash raised her eyebrows and smirked, "your..."
"Friend... shut up" I rolled my eyes and Sasha laughed.

By the time the guys arrived I had just poured my second glass.
"Hey guysss" I said. I was happy to see Oak but I was a little more excited to see Daveed. I hugged Oak and he went over to his lady to greet her. Daveed walked in and gave me a hug. I buried my face in his chest. Ughh he smells so good. He chuckled at the action.

About 2 hours and 2 glasses later, I was loosely trying to mime to Daveed a sloth.
"Ummm are you a turtle?" He asked frantically.
I shook my head and continued to move slowly.
"10 seconds!" Sasha said.
"Um um um are you a uhhhh"
"Times up!" Sasha said
"Ugghhhhhh" Dav and I exclaimed at the same time
"What were you?!?" He asked
"A sloth!!" I laughed as I walked back over to the couch.
"Boooo you suck!" I said as I shook a thumbs down in his face.
"What?!" He pulled me into his lap and started tickling me. I started laughing so hard and begged him to stop. I struggled to get away and slid off his lap and into the corner of the couch.
"Stop stop I'm sorry!!" I said between my laughs. He stopped and laughed himself. My legs were still laying across his and he was kind of hovering over me. I watched him as he smiled. He's so beautiful. I held his face. He stared at me charismatically
"Alright love birds" Oak chuckled. His voice startled me a bit, I forgot they were there. Dav sat up and helped me up.
Sasha yawned, well guys I'm about to head to bed, I'm pretty tired.
"The wine" Oak and I said simultaneously and laughed. She flicked both of us off. Soak said their good nights to us and went into their room.

Dav and I finished cleaning up and said our good nights. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me into his bear hug that I always love. It must have been the wine but his hugs felt more comfy than normal (as if that's possible) he pulled away and said "well I'll see you tomorrow Zynger" he kissed my forehead. And turned to open the door. I felt sad that he was leaving and still yearned for his presence. I grabbed his hand as he was stepping through the doorway. He looked back.
"...Stayyy" I sung.
He chuckled. "Heyyy.."
"Heyyy" I smiled as he turned back, closing the door behind him and took me in his arms and kissed me passionately. His lips were so soft. Kissing him felt so right, so perfect. He picked me up and took me to my room.

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