Chapter 16.

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*Daveed's POV*

I was putting away the last of Zin's plates before I grabbed the tape to tape up the box. I looked up to see movers carrying her things out of the house. The past few weeks were shallow. When she didn't avoid me, we would talk here and there. But it wasn't often so I'd cling to the moments when we did talk; the energy between us was so different now.. as if we were acquaintances in an elevator. She would stay at Sasha's a few nights out of the week. And now It's been 2 weeks since she told me she was moving out and I'm still not at peace with it. With any of this.

*2 weeks earlier*

"Zin you're not moving out, I mean are you crazy? you're pregnant!"

"I can live on my own while I'm pregnant. Im already carrying this baby on my own" she said as she started folding up her clothes.

"But this is coming out of no where.. when did you even find a place?!"

"Last week." She said simply as she started putting her folded clothes in a suitcase.

I was starting to get frustrated, "Zinyla, you're pregnant with my child. And as the father of our child I should have a say so of where I want it to be."

She looked up at me for a second and narrowed her eyes. Shit, she's about to get on my ass. "yes.. Daveed. You have a baby on the way." She stood up, "But the baby isn't here yet, so the baby goes where I go. And you're not about to sit here and control my whereabouts" she  glared at me before she walked out of the closet.

My hands started trembling and my voice shook, "so I guess this means we're over?" She froze in her tracks. "Because we haven't really talked about that either" The silence was so loud, it was painstaking. My heart was crumbling by the second as I was waiting for the dreadful word to leave her mouth but it never came. She just continued walking. Tears fell down my face as I punched the wall next to me. I ran my hands through my hair and took a deep breath. I wiped my face before I followed her to the bathroom.

"What about when the baby comes?"

"Well.." she sighed, "I guess the baby will stay with me and we switch off every week" she shrugged.

I pinched the bridge on my nose before I continued to talk. "Zin.. that's too much instability for a new born."

"Okay well if you didn't stick your tongue down your exes throat and then lie about it. Maybe we wouldn't be dealing with this right?" She snapped.

I sighed as I prepared to tell her for the hundredth time, "She. Kissed. me"

"& You still lied about it. Why?" She turned to face me and rested her hands on her hips.

"I... I was scared of hurting you"

"But why be scared to tell me if it genuinely meant nothing to you?"

My heart dropped to my ass as I struggled to form a sentence.

She sniffed slightly as tears formed in her eyes. She folded her arms as she spoke, "you liked it"

I quickly looked at her who was awaiting my response, "admit it" she said

I sighed, " was in the moment but then I realized what I was doing and I pushed her away immediately after."

"Mmm" she hummed and nodded slightly. "So I'm going to start packing these hair products" she turned to walk away but then I grabbed her arm.

"I only want you... and I want you to stay" I said quietly, I tried my best to hold back tears.

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