Chapter 20.

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*Daveed's POV*

"Wh-what about us?" My heart felt as if it shattered. How could she move on? She's having my kids, we were supposed to get back together. I mean yeah she says she wants to be friends but we know that a front. She's really done with me I guess. The thought of that made me sick to my stomach. She looked as if she was going to say something but didn't..

The front door bust open and I heard a familiar voice

"Sasha I'm so sorry I missed your dinner, I arrived there and then realized I forgot your gift so I turned around and got into an accident and then got into an argument with the other driver over who's fault it was when it was clearly his fault. And it was a lot but I'm here now" she stammered.

"Oh my gosh are you okay?" Sasha stood up and cupped her face.

"I'm fine"

"Giselle?" I said as I approached the living room. Sasha and Giselle turned to me and I watched as her brows furrow but soon raised in excitement.

"Daveed?" She said as her face started to brighten up. She walked over and gave me a hug. After we pulled away Giselle asked,

"How do you know Sasha?"

"Hamilton" I said and smiled

"I knew your face looked familiar!!" She said and we both laughed. I liked that she didn't recognize who I was right away. The fame I got from Hamilton is fine but it's nice to know I'm still regular to some people. "How do you know Sasha?"

"She's my cousin. Wow it's so funny how we've went this long without knowing we have mutuals" She giggled and it made me smile.

"But I mean, are you okay? Sounds like you've been through a lot" I guided her to the chair and she sat down.

"Yeah it was just a lot going on, I feel terrible for missing Sasha's dinner"

"No, you're fine. As long as you're safe" Sasha said as she stroked Giselle's hair. "Let me go get you something to drink, Daveed will you assist me?" Sasha said turning to me.

"Yeah no problem" I stood and followed her to the kitchen. Once we were out of earshot, she turned to me and placed her hand on her hip.

"What do you think you're doing?" She said.

"Umm.. helping you with the drinks like you asked.."

"Daveed, I'm serious. What are you doing messing around with my cousin?! Do you know what awkward position you put me in."

"For one, we're not messing around, we're just friends. And I didn't even know she was your cousin."

"From what she's been telling me, you guys don't plan on remaining friends. There's been flirting and dates"

"I mean yeah she's cute and we connect really well but I wasn't planning on taking things to the next level because I was waiting for Zin... but now seeing that she's has moved on... why shouldn't I?" I looked over to Zin who was giggling and talking with Ari.

I smiled at the sight of her being happy. She deserves it and if I have to let her go and let someone else bring her happiness then so be it.

"Okay.." Sasha said and I turned my focus back to her. "But if you're going to do this, you need to be honest and open with Giselle.. Zinyla too."

"Yeah. I know" I said taking a deep breath. I never told Giselle about Zin well because it's complicated and I didn't want to scare her away too soon. But now I am left with no choice... being that they have two mutuals, me and Sasha. I approached Giselle with her lemonade in my hand. I handed it to her and she smiled at me.
"Thank you" she said with a warm smile.

"No problem.. hey there's some people I'd like for you to meet."

"Okay" she contently agreed and stood up to follow me to where Zin, Rafa and Oak were standing.

"Hey guys, there's someone I'd like for you to meet. Rafa, Zin, this is Giselle and Giselle you know Oak" he said as he looked at her and smiled.

"Sup G" Oak nodded

She giggled and nodded back, "sup O"

"Giselle these are my best friends, Rafael and Zinyla. Zin is... also the.. mother of my unborn twins..." I studied her expression, nervous about her reaction. Her brightness and smile faded a little but she quickly  forced a smile on her face. Zin offered out her hand to shake,

"Nice to meet you" she said with a soft smile.

Giselle paused before slightly shaking her head and shook Zin's hand, "uh, yeah nice to meet you... and congratulations" she smiled and gestured toward Zin's belly.

"Thanks" Zin laughed awkwardly.

"Yeah.." Giselle said quietly, "um excuse me for a moment" she said and walked around the corner to the bathroom.

I watched her as she exited the room. Shit, this is what I was afraid of. Maybe I shouldn't have introduced them at a party in front of Rafa and Oak. Shoot, I probably embarrassed her.

"Dav did you want to finish our conversation?" Zin's voice tore me away from my thoughts. I watched as Giselle walked out and whispered something to Sasha before walking out the front door.

"Uhh.. yeah just, give me minute" I decided to catch up to her.

When I reached downstairs and I walked outside, Giselle was sitting on the stool with a cigarette in her hand.

"I thought you were quitting" I shoved my hands in my pockets as I slowly descended down the stairs to her.

"I wasn't going to light it. Just holding it." She said staring down the street. I held my hand out, waiting for her to place the cigarette in my hands. When she did, I raised my eyebrows and she scoffed as she took out the pack of cigarettes and placed it in my hand.

I balled my hand up into a fist, crushing the cigarettes and tossed them into the street trash can.

"So... your best friend is your ex?" She said looking at her hands.


"And she's having your twins?"

I nodded while looking at the ground.

"Look, I like you—"

I looked up at her and smiled weakly, "I like you too"

A smile tugged at her lips before she continued, "but I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who's still in love with their baby mama"

"We don't have any feelings for each other. She has a girlfriend who's actually upstairs at the party. We're strictly co-parents and friends."

We were silent for a moment before I thought of an idea.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't honest with you before" I said grabbing her hands and looking into her eyes. "I was afraid that I'd scare you off" I chuckled nervously as I looked down at our hands.

"I'm still here, aren't I?" I looked up to see her smiling.

I leaned in and pulled her close. Our lips pressed together and it felt so right. She was shocked at first but instantly relaxed into me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I hugged her tighter and deepened the kiss. We broke the kiss, huffing to catch our breath.

"Wow" she said.

I smiled, "yeah"

I pulled her in for another kiss.

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