Chapter 3.

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"Daveed" I barely said pass the lump in my throat. We stood and stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, I could no longer hear the voices that filled the theatre.

So many emotions rushing through my body, my mind going a mile a minute. I couldn't believe who was before me. So many memories, from walking the train tracks to nearly burning down his kitchen trying to make fried Oreos. All this happiness and reminisce filled my heart and I couldn't help but be excited to see my partner in crime.

"Heeeyyyy!!!" I said as I ran over to hug him. My body and mouth is on autopilot at this point. "Heeyyy!!!" He said back matching my excitement. "Oh my goodness how have you been?" I said. What is happening.
"I've been alright, what about you?" He replied.
"I've been good...... oh! These are my best friends Sasha and O—"
"Oaaakkk" Daveed greeted him.
"Diggggsssss, wassup man?" They dapped up. Shook, I looked back and forth and them, "y'all know each other?" I asked.
"Yeah we go way back to the freestyle jams in ATL" I felt Daveed's eyes on me the entire time. I looked at him and smiled and in an instant I remembered. The hurt made me look away. Lin-Manuel Miranda walked up and patted Daveed on the back as he greeted Sasha, Oak and I.

"Hey guys!"
I was trying my best not to fan girl. I mean it's Lin-Manuel Miranda. "Hi! So good to see you!" We shook hands and Sasha followed suit.
"Thank you so much for this opportunity!" She said smiling from ear-to-ear. Oak's greeting was different. They dapped and hugged each other,

"Good to see you man" Oak said grinning.
"You too brother" Lin replied. "Well we're about to get started soon so mingle or not whatever's your style"

I chuckled and thanked him and walked off. I had to talk to someone else to distract myself from Daveed. I walked around and introduced myself to anyone open for conversation. The first person I saw was a man sitting a couple of rows back burrowed into a book.

I walked over and spoke, "a woman's castle. Phenomenal read. Pereson took her time with this one"
The man chuckled and looked up, "you know Amilia Pereson?"
"Of course, I guess I could say she's one of my favorite authors because every time I pick up a book I realize she's the author."

As I'm talking I could still feel eyes on me. When I look to my right, Daveed was staring but quickly looked away.

"Something about the way she writes, it's so smooth like calligraphy" he said as he closed his book.
"That's what I said! I'm so serious, ask my friend Sasha" I said excited.
He laughed, "What's your name friend?" He said.
"Zynila Belts, you?" I took his hand as he offered to shake mine.
"Leslie Odoms Jr."
"Nice to meet you Leslie, who are you casted as?"
"The infamous Aaron Burr, you?"
"Ahh well sir, I'm an understudy for Angelica Schuyler"
"Wow awesome"

"Alright everyone gather around!" Alex, the composer announced. Leslie and I moved out way down to the front.

Before I went to find a seat, Daveed grabbed my forearm. Jesus, his hands. So strong yet gentle, rough and soft. Chills went down my spine. "Uh hey, I was uh wondering if you wanted to grab a coffee after rehearsal tonight?"
"sure, sounds cool" I said. I sat down next to Sasha. I didn't realize my hands were shaking until she grabbed my left hand and held it in her right.
"So that's him huh?"
"Yup" I let out with a sigh. Well this ought to be interesting.

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