Chapter 9.

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I am still on a performance high as I'm getting dressed for the premiere party. I hum the tune of "what did I miss?" while I am putting my shoes on. My dress is a long sleeve light purple, off-the-shoulder with mesh as the base material with thick velvet horizontal stripes spaced out at 3 or 4 inches apart. My dress was slim fitting and reached to the lower half of my calves. My shoes are open-toed and silver to match my jewelry. I am wearing my icy-blue wet and wavy bob wig.

"Come on Zin, the guys are waiting for us downstairs" Sasha called out.
"Coming" I said looking at myself one last time in the mirror before I grab my clutch and make my way out the door.
I step out and gasp at Sasha. She is wearing a gold gown with a slit on the left side (all the way up to her upper thigh, exposing her left leg. She straightened and curled her hair.

"Damn mamas!" I said.
"I should be saying that to you!!" She exclaimed. "Girlll you look goooood. Dav is really going to have a hard time keeping his hands off of you."
"You just might get Oak pregnant looking like THAT." I said and we both burst into laughter.

We headed out the door and made our way downstairs. When we walked outside, the guys were waiting at the bottom of the stoop. They turned around and froze with their jaws dropped. Oak snapped out of it and rushed up the stairs to help Sasha walk down. She giggled at his eagerness. Daveed climbed the stairs still in awe of me. He reached out his hand and I grabbed it and walked down the stairs. We reached the bottom as he stared at me trying to find his voice. I chuckled and kissed him on his nose.
"You look very handsome love" I said.
"'re... breathtaking..." he said and I smiled so big. His eyes lit up. "I mean... wow.."
We all got into the car and headed to the party.

When we arrived there was a red carpet and a bunch of photographers. Daveed looked at me with admiration before he grabbed my hand kissed it. He then led me to the red carpet where we took pictures together. Photographers started shouting questions at us
"Daveed, Zinyla, are you two a couple?" "Are you guys dating?"
I pulled away from him and stepped off the carpet so he could get his single pics. Then he pulled me on the carpet and stepped out of the frame so I could get some single shots and then we went on to enjoy the party.

The first people we saw were Leslie and Nicolette, his girlfriend. I hugged him and congratulated him on having a fantastic show and then hugged Nicolette. We did our rounds congratulating our fellow cast members and reliving our favorite moments on stage. Daveed and I moved to the dance floor and started moving. We were able to get one song in before Lin snatched him away from me to do a couple of interviews.
"No fair!" I screamed over the music.
"You look great! Don't kill mee" Lin yelled as he pushed Daveed away.

I walked over to the bar and ordered a scotch on the rocks. I look over and see Jasmine and Anthony talking. He turns red and covers his face and Jasmine laughs and grabs his wrist. She must have told him she knew. I smiled and took a sip of my drink. Ephraim walked over and told me a reporter wanted to speak with me. I followed him over to the woman who introduced herself and started asking me questions.

"So what was it like opening on the Richard Rogers stage?" She asked.

"It was a really amazing experience. I was very nervous at first but once we finished the opening and I heard the screams and applause from the audience, those nerves disappeared and I just let my body move" I smiled.

She asked a couple more questions about the difficulty of the choreography on the moving floor and other elements of the show.

"My last question for tonight, so there are rumors about you and Daveed Diggs dating, and you know there was that moment on stage where you kissed him on the cheek." I blushed. She noticed and started smiling before she continued, "and you're blushing right now as I said that so I just have to ask, are the rumors true?"

I laughed, "yes, the rumors are true"

She smiled and we shook hands, "thank you so much for your time Zinyla, enjoy your night!"

"Thank you!"


"I may be young but I'm ready!!!" We all screamed. Reneé, Pippa and I danced and sung our hearts out in a circle.
By the next verse, I felt hands rub around my waist and I immediately knew who's hands they were. He pulled me close to him and rested his head on my cheek. I closed my eyes taking in the moment. Reneé pulled out her phone and started recording us.

"Just hold me close, don't let me gooo" the music said as I sung along and smiled. We swayed and he kissed me on my cheek. When the song ended, he whispered in my ear that he had to show me something. I grabbed his hand and let him lead me. He took me to a closet away from the noise and the people. He closed the door behind him and said,
"I just wanted to get some alone time with you away from everyone. I feel like I haven't seen you all night" he said walking up to me, grabbing my hips and pulling me close.

"I know" I said reaching up to fluff out his fro. "You've been talking to reporters all night, that's what happens when you're famous!" I said giggling and he smiled at me.
He hugged me and said "mmm you look so good" in a low voice and kissed me on my neck. It sent butterflies to my kitty and my eyes rolled back as I closed them. A slight moan slipped out of my mouth and I bit my lip to stop myself. "Babe-"
"let me get in it real quick" he growled lowly in my ear as he rubbed my ass. I giggled, "baby wait until we get home"
He kissed me and then said "I can't wait that long"

The door opened and Anthony peeked his head in.
"Oh my bad" he said with a smirk. "Fireworks about to start.. but y'all got about FIVEEE minutes" he snickered and winked.

"We're coming out right behind you" I said quickly and smiled.
"Alright" Anthony said. He mouthed '5' and held up his hand once more before he closed the door. We both laughed and I playfully rolled my eyes.

I looked at Daveed who raised his eyebrows in interest. I giggled, "nope, come on" I grabbed his hand and we walked out.

We were watching the fireworks, his arms wrapped around my shoulders and my head resting on his chest as I looked to the sky. He kissed my forehead.

We arrived at his house, Oak and Sasha dropped us off and we said our goodbyes. We walked in the house and I placed my clutch on the table next to the door. I immediately took off my heels, sighing of relief.
"Well.. I'm about to go slip out of this dress and put on something comfy" I looked at Daveed as I proceeded up the steps.
He smirked and followed me, "let me help you with that"
When we reached the entrance of his bedroom, I turned around and pulled him by his tie. I sat on the bed as I watched him undress. He stared at me directly into my eyes as he stripped and I felt on his abs. I gave them a kiss and he climbed on the bed hovering over me. We began to kiss and he started slipping my dress off. He rubbed his hands along my curves as I went back and forth from playing with his hair and feeling on his muscles. He broke the kiss as he stared into my eyes and slid inside.
I moaned his name.

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