Chapter 8.

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I was in the dressing room with the girls. We're all excited about tonight performance. I was lining my lips, adding the finishing touches to my make up.

"Hey Peggy" Sasha giggled, "what did your secret admirer get you tonight?"

She held up a bear with a bandage around his left leg and a mini crutch attached to his hand. It had a note in the other hand that said "break a leg!". She made a puppy face as all the girls in the room said "aaawwwwww!!" In unison.

"You HAVE to find out who he is tonight girl. You need to snatch your man!" I said. A couple of the girls agreed with me

"Any ideas of who you think it is?" Ari asked.

"It's Anthony.." she said

I whipped around shocked. I didn't know she figured it out. The girls gasped, "what?" "Really??" "Awwww!!" I heard through out the room.

"Yeahhh" she blushed and looked down at her hands. "I found out when he got me a plush pepperoni pizza and the note said 'you're the topping of my world'" she giggled and it made me smile. "He's so shy whenever he talks to me and it's so cute. So that's how I realized it was him... I want to do something clever to tell him that I know because he's so clever with the gifts and letters"

All of the girls started to throw ideas out in the air. I was about to contribute when I got a text from Dav.

💕My diggsy 💕: hey baby, can you come up to my dressing room, I have a surprise for you.

Me: otw love 😘

I finished applying the last of my lipstick, blotted and grabbed the flowers that I was planning to give him.

I then made my way up the stairs. When I walked in with my hands were behind my back and Dav was doing the same.

He narrowed his eyes, "what you got?"

"What YOU got?" i said goofing around.

"Let's reveal at the same time on the count of three" he said.

"Okay." I grinned.



"3!" We said at the same time and both revealed flowers. His bouquet was bigger than mine and filled with my favorite flowers, blue roses. Mine were a combination of sunflowers and lilacs. We laughed at each other and traded flowers. I kissed him, "happy opening night baby"

"Happy opening night love" he smiled and kissed me again.

"Ahem! I believe I'm the real present here" I looked behind Dav and saw.. Raf!!

I screamed and jumped up and down. I ran over, jumped on him and hugged him so tight. He set me down and scolded me. My smile and excitement faded as I knew what was to come next. The room was silent before Dav said,

"Well, I'll leave you two to catch up. I have to go find the mic person" he said and walked out the room, closing the door behind him

I fidgeted, uncomfortable with the tension.

"...look Raf, I—"

"Why'd you just up and leave like that? I mean I know because things were complicated between you and Diggs but things weren't complicated between us. You didn't have to cut me out"

I dropped my head in shame and disappointment. I started to tear up because I didn't realize the damage I caused to Raf.

"You were my best friend too. And when you left, I had a gaping hole in my heart too. I didn't deserve to lose a friend.."

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