Chapter 5.

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*October 2008: Daveed's Dorm*
"So this is my room and there's my best friend since middle school, Rafael" he said as Rafael was exiting the bathroom.

"I wouldn't go in there for a while if I were you Diggs." He said closing the door behind him and I giggled. "Hey you're in my chemistry class"

"No, you're in MY chem class" I said making him chuckle.

"Either way. Fuck chem am I right?" He said lifting his hand for a high five.

Daveed and I laughed as I accepted his high five request. I went and sat down at Daveed's desk and listened to the boys talk.

"So I thought of a title for the movie. What do you think of "blindspotting'" Raf said as he spanned his hands in the air as if the name appeared.
"I like it" Daveed nodded in agreement.

"You guys are making a movie?" I asked intrigued

"Well we only recently started talking about it but yeah" Daveed said and smiled at me. There was a knock on the door and voice coming from behind it. "Daveee it's me"

"Oh brother.." Raf mumbled. Daveed threw a pillow at him and walked over to the door and opened it. "Daveeeee" a girl said as she flung her arms around him. I looked at Raf and he mouthed "girlfriend" and rolled his eyes. I giggled and looked over to see Daveed walking up to me with a pretty girl by his side. He introduced us
"Jalene this is my new friend Zinyla. Zin, this is my girlfriend Jalene."
she hugged me unexpectedly.
"Hi—Oh!" I said caught off guard and smiled. "Nice to meet you"
"Nice to meet you too!! Hi Rafiii" she said as she turned to Raf.
"Hi Jalene" he said flatly and I tried my best not to smile at him. "So I was thinking instead of your character starting in jail, we could just have him already out on probation" Raf continued with his suggestions about the movie.

"Ughh you guys are still going with that plot, mine was totally better. More people would want to come see mine" Jalene interjected. Raf looked at me with a "you see why I can't stand her" look as I responded with a "I understand" look. Daveed didn't respond to her, he only kissed her on the forehead and said
"Well let's talk this over with some lunch because I'm starving"
"Yeah let's go. Come on Raf" I said standing up.
"Nah I'm good here" he said. I gave him a "don't you dare leave me to third wheel" look and he sighed and got up.
"Fine" he said.

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